Private Talks

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They ran through the forest, and the Volturi noticed how dark the eyes of their companions were.

Demetri stopped suddenly and dropped the frat boy's body on the forest floor. Everyone followed suit and gathered around the tracker.

"You two-" he said, pointing to Sybil and 'Valentine'. "- need to hunt."

"The closest residence is a thirty minute run from here." Alec said, but he quickly noticed the haggard look on Sybil's face. "When was the lasts time you ate?"

Sybil looked up, either to show she was thinking or to avoid Alec's gaze.

"Uh, I think when we were in the kitchen?"

Alec's gaze became hard. "Sybil, that was four days ago."

Jane snapped to attention. "You haven't eaten in four days?" She asked angrily.

"Or sooner! I can't remember off the top of my head!"

"We can hunt here." Valentine said sharply. When the twins glared at him, he softened. "Sorry. There's animals about. Wouldn't be the first time I've eaten them."

"Fair enough. I'm not picky." Sybil answered. When the twins gave her incredulous looks, she said, "I'll eat just about anything with a pulse."

Alec sighed. He didn't like the thought of Sybil not eating properly. Animal blood will sustain her, but it won't make her her strongest that she could be. But options were limited, so he yield.

"Fine. But I will be by her side the entire time."

"I could stay with her." Valentine offered absentmindedly.

Demetri cut in . "Uh- it would be better if we separated. Jane can watch the newborn. No torturing." He added, seeing Jane's excited grin.

She pouted in disappointment.


Alec and Sybil went south, and Cyril and Demetri went northeast.

Sybil ran through the forest at lightening speed, the prospect of food urging her to go forward. Alec was quite curious to see how Sybil hunted. From what he gathered, from Demetri and Cyril, she never had much chance to practice hunting as a newborn and is not a tidy eater. But maybe those months alone she advance in her hunting abilities since Cyril last worried about her eating rituals.

The pair stop at a large tree and the violet eyed girl breathed in deeply. Her pupils were so dilated and her irises so dark the entirety of her eyes seemed black. A lone deer was in a clearing, peacefully pecking at the grass.

With an impish grin, she gently pressed her finger to her mouth and quietly shushed Alec, though he made no noise. She crouched down, low to the forest floor on her hands and feet. Alec briefly thought she looked like a lion, prepared to pounce. Without warning, Sybil darted across the clearing silently, grabbing the deer. With a leap, she landed on a beach to the tree opposite to the one Alec was hiding behind, her back facing her companion. She landed on the balls of her feet, but quickly kicked her legs forward, allowing her knees to catch her as she hanged upside down as she noisily are the deer. The only light came from the moon, and the tree branches distorted the light so dramatically it caused Sybil to look like some kind of nightmare. Long and loud slurping sounds emitted from her as the deer struggled, but eventually became limp. Once finished, she simply let go of the animal's corpse and let it fall to the ground with a thud, the overgrown ferns and shadows hiding the body. Sybil herself straightened out her legs and let herself fall, flipping in the air to land on her feet.

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