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(Before leaving for the Paladesca Field.)

The sound of shattering glass and multiple lingual cursing sounded from Jane's room. Alec himself was tearing out the metal guts of a German cuckoo clock.

Fury was raging in beneath Alec's alabaster skin. 'How dare Chelsea attempt to force Sybil into joining? How dare she scare poor Sybil into hiding? And who the hell had Sybil mentioned before? Doesn't matter. What matters is getting Sybil back.' He thought, tearing a wing off a mechanical bird. Bits of metal were strewn about the room, a testament to Alec's way of coping. In his mind, he was already planning on what havoc he would wreak in revenge in Chelsea.

Maybe removing all her limbs? Abandoning her in the middle of an ocean seemed like a good idea. Maybe force her to watch Afton be- no. Alec knew better than that. Mates were sacred. To purposely hurt someone's mate was the lowliest form of revenge. Only cowards do that. Granted he didn't understand the depth of having a mate, but he knew the rules. Often rule-breakers are imprisoned rather than executed because they have a mate. To steal one's mate from them is one of the lesser known but still viciously enforced laws of the Volturi.

Alec suppressed a groan as he placed his for head on the desk where he sat. At the corner of the desk was his well-worn copy of Romeo and Juliet. Even looking at it made Alec feel uneasy. The look of wonder and hazy remembrance on Sybil's face when she quoted the passage worried him more than he could describe. But Romeo's next part nearly made him scoffed:

And trust me my love, in my eyes, so do you.

Dry sorrow drinks our blood. Adieu, adieu!

How horrifically vampiric. Paleness and death and blood, Alec couldn't help but wonder if while human Sybil read that passage and thought how strangely supernatural it was. The fact that he was worried in the first place exasperated Alec.

Alec knew that vampires moved fast relationship wise, but this was ridiculous. It took barely four hours for Jane and Sybil to be completely loyal to each other. And, even if Alec hated to admit it and had try to deny it himself every time, it took less than a minute for Alec to become helpless around Sybil. Even one of his first thoughts on her was how innocent she look, how endearingly ignorant her mannerisms were. Hell, he practically forces Sybil to be in either his or his sister's two-foot proximity at all times.

A scream of frustration from down the hall interrupted Alec's thoughts.

Jane let out an especially loud curse, damning Chelsea into one of the seven layers of hell. Jane was far less contained than Alec was. Whatever was broken or demolished would be replaced, sure, but their destruction was necessary so that Jane wouldn't release her anger on any innocent guards who would be passing by.

"That insolent little tart! How dare she! Bothering Sybil, scaring her off! Why can't I have one friend stay?!" She screeched in German. "Tricking her into thinking it was our idea? That horrid, wretched woman!" She yelled as she threw an ornate paper weight at the wall, creating a small crater.

It wasn't fair. Sybil allowed Jane to do what're the blonde wanted. Pick her clothes, do her hair, choose their conversation topics. Sybil listened to Jane without complaint and her responses weren't disrespectful or awkward. Sybil was normal around Jane, she didn't treat the twins like they were time bombs seconds from exploding. And the strange girl somehow managed to get close to Alec. A feat not easily done. Frustrated and needing a sympathizer, Jane decided she needed her brother.

The sound of slamming doors soon followed, and Alec stood up, fully prepared to divulge himself into his and his sister's mutual misery. Jane barged through Alec's doors, lip trembling and arms opened. Alec quickly embraced his sister.

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