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Chelsea walked down one of the many hallways in the castle. She had been out of Aro's favor for centuries, not since the last time a new guard was added to the Volturi. Aro had even said she was invaluable to him, but as soon as she bonded the newbie to the king, he went straight back to adoring the twins.

'They're not even useful unless it's a fight.' She thought bitterly, her pace becoming faster as she stalked down the way towards the dungeon. Maybe the misery of others will cheer her up? Maybe she should find Afton, her mate always could cheer her up.

But Chelsea stopped short as she heard the familiar chattering if the ever so famous siblings. Quickly hiding behind a large pillar, the lower guard watched as the twins and the nomad strode down the hall with purpose, talking quietly among themselves.

Ah yes, the nomad. Aro wasn't discreet enough to hide his want of the gifted vampire. She saw it herself, the ability to hide herself completely from every sense, even Demetri couldn't sense her. She would make a marvelous addition to the coven. But she never showed interest in staying.

A clever idea swirled in Chelsea's head. If she bonded the nomad to Aro, took the initiative, Chelsea could end up in the higher guard, and receive the recognition she deserved. A wicked grin spread across her pale face. Bonding the strange nomad to Aro just might be her ticket to permanently outshine those snobbish twins.

Now all she had to do is get the nomad alone...


The three kings were all very confused as to why the witch twins and the strange vampire had suddenly requested an audience. Inside their private chamber, the brothers discussed the subject amongst themselves. Caius wanted to turn them away, but Aro and Marcus voted against him and allowed them to enter.

"Dear children, what has happened to cause such a sudden appearance?" Aro asked, descending from his recreational throne to where the trio stood on the large grate.

"It regards Sybil." Jane explained vaguely.

Caius scoffed. "Of course it does."

Aro ignored his brother and grasped Jane's hand to see what had transpired. While he was searching through the blonde twin's memories, it was Marcus who noticed the significant change in Sybil's appearance.

"Dear Sybil, what happened to your injuries?" The solemn king inquired.

Caius's gaze now turned to the violet eyed girl, noticing that the severely deep cracks that were once displayed across the girl's features were gone, nothing indicated that they were there in the first place.

It was Aro who explained the situation. "Sybil here heals within minutes of injury. Her venom rushes to heal her so quickly, that it leaves residue behind." "How interesting." He observed, his misty red eyes landing on the shrinking form of the vampire in question.

Sybil tried to push herself into Alec even more than she already was. The brunette twin's scent was numbing and comforting, it fuzzed her senses into a peaceful daze. Sybil was still unsure with what was wrong with her. She had never seen an injured vampire, she didn't know what was supposed to happen for the body to heal itself. She always assumed all vampires were deceivingly fragile as her, easily broken and as easily repaired. She didn't even notice the clamor Caius raised.

Aro calmed down his brother and returned his attention to Sybil. "My, my. We learn something new about you every hour, dear Sybil." He turned to his brothers once again, the twins seemed to curl around Sybil, pulling her closer to them. Sybil didn't particularly care, she was too tired to. "Brothers, I believe we might need to call upon someone with more expertise in studying the vampiric body than we."

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