Hello naughty Sophia, its trial time

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Sybil sat curled up on the sinking bed with the over-plush sheets and shuttered at some unseen horror. Her aster eyes were widened and unblinking, and she was curled up so tightly her elbows were pressed against her ankles and her chin rested on her knees.

Cyril was grimacing, rubbing his daughter's back and looking towards the door. Surely the twins had noticed if Sybil had suddenly vanished from the room, at the very least Demetri noticed Cyril leaving suddenly. Whoever the three new vampires were brought Sophia to Volterra. Cyril sighed forlornly in the realization that Demetri was right and he was going to hear about him being right for the next centenary. Cyril hummed  in a way to comfort Sybil as she whimpered.

"She's here!" a voice screamed helplessly from the cell holdings. Cyril noticed that it was Nicholas-Bradley as he screamed agian. "She's here to kill me! I failed and she's come to end me!"

Sybil shuddered slightly and moved to press her head against Cyril's shoulder. Her small mouth opened and closed a few times as she tried to form her thoughts into words.


The ginger hummed in acknowledgement.

"I remember everything." another unneeded breath  came. "Every single thing she did to me and made me do. I remember."

Cyril blinked back tears that would never fall when he saw the look of numbness on the immortal teen's face. He pulled her closer. It was the only thing he could think to do.


The dark haired nomad smiled lazily at the group of guards. "Well I didn't know there was going to be a welcoming party." She said sassily, flipping her hair over her shoulder and eyeing down Felix, who in turn grimaced. "What's the special occasion?"

"Sophia the nomadic vampire." Demetri stated, locking eyes with her coldly. "You are hereby placed under arrest for fratenizing with our natural enemies, the Children of the Moon."

Sophia blanched, and froze, staring at Demetri with a shocked expression.

Demetri continued listing the charges. "For attempting to create a new-born army, and for abandoning your new-borns within their first year of immortalily."  With the smallest trace of a satisified smirk, the guard finnished his accusations. "For this, your trial begins. Now."

Sophia growled, but before she could make her way to the door, Felix and Santiago grabbed her arms.

An ear-shattering scream resonated in the hall. It sounded tortured and heart-wrenching, completely ceasing all movement in the hall. Alec looked pained, and visibly scowled at the sound.

It was Sybil. Somewhere in the castle Sybil was wailing and crying. But duty came before anything in the Volturi, so the immortal teen squared his shoulders and leveled the convict with a murderous look and held onto his sister to stop him from attacking the woman being held by Felix and Santiago.

Jane would be lying if they said the sound of Sophia screaming in anguish as she was dragged away was unpleasant. Jane made it her goal to personally elicited Sophia's screams before her execution.

"Sister." Alec spoke softly, gesturing to the small coven behind them with his head.

Jane nodded. Formalities first, the damnation of Sophia later.

Jane turned, and kindly bowed her head in a gesture of thanks, Alec copying her. "The Volturi thanks you for your loyalty and assistance." She straightened herself and gazed upon the odd family.

The obvious leader was a woman with white blonde hair and a long braid. Next to her was a dark-skinned vampire with short brown hair that smelled vaguley of the leader.

'Mate then.' Jane concluded.

The third was barely shorter than the leader. He slouched down, his golden blonde hair was a curtain between his face and Jane's vision.

With a huff, the blonde Volturi squeezed her brother's hand and made their way to the throne room. Jane could feel Alec gently tug to the source of the scream, no doubt torn between his bound duty to Aro and his natural call to Sybil. The small coven of three followed at a safe distance away, no sound coming from them as they walked down the hall.

Alec expression turned stony and Jane's to disinterested as they entered the ornate room where Sophia stood tensely and where Aro, Caius, and Marcus all sat, staring at her with varying degrees of curiosity.

The Witch Twins took their rightful places behind their masters as Aro gave a smile, a secretive and sadistic smile.

Let the trial begin.


Sybil pushed herself out of her father's embrace.

"I need to witness." She said suddenly, wiping at the excess venom that collected at the corners of her eyes.

Cyril shot up with a disbelieving scoff. "Uh, I think not."

The dark haired girl ran er fingers through her untamed hair in an attempted to flatten it. "Cy, i remember everything. Her plans, her neglect, and the actual act of k-killing-" she stopped herself, shuddering a breath. All that blood, that savagery that she displayed.

The dark, moon bright night and thick trunk of the trees. The sound of deafening heartbeats. Heart of living creature, filled with the sole liquid that could sooth her burning, aching, dry, dry, dry throat. The desire blinded her, it was a flurry of movements and snapping bone and tearing flesh, worst of all the muted and wounded whimpering that the hungry newborn quickly silenced. The memory made Sybil sick.

Cyril stepped forward and took her into his arms. after a tense silence he spoke.

"I mean it this time." Cyril said with fierce determination, crushing Sybil to his chest. "This time, she won't ever hurt you again. I'll personally see to it this time."

Sybil nodded to herself and rapped her slim arms around Cyril's thin frame. It was his turn to be comforted.


"My dear ones." Aro hummed, leaning forward on his throne. "We are gathered here to dispel justice on this woman, accused of many heinous crimes which could have exposed us all."

Sophia growled lowly in her throat at the accusation.

The grand doors at the front of the room open silently as a single lithe figure slipped in. Cyril stood my the arch of the door, Demetri noticed, and stared at the empty space next to him with concern.

"Sophia, the nomadic vampire, You have been accused of trying to create  newborn army that resulted in catching the humans' eye. How do you plead?"

Sophia looked up and hummed lowly, as if thinking about her words carefully. As one does while talking to the king of vampires.

"There is no proof that the newborn that started the army is my newborn." she said evenly, ignoring the eye-roll from Caius.

Aro nodded. "Indeed, i suppose there would be no way..... unless, of course, I search through your memories."

Sophia blanched. "I- I refuse!"

Aro wheezed a laugh. "This is not something one can refuse." He chuckled gleefully. "But if you truly will fight, then let us move on to another accusation; the abandonment of the newborn, Sybil."

At last. A triumphant look crosses Sophia's face. "Why, I haven't any idea who that is." A venomous glare finds Cyrus in the crowd. "Maybe a figment of a lonely fool's imagination."

The venom in her glare almost immediately turned to horror when Sybil herself materialized next to Cyrus.

Aro chuckles again. "Now; let us try again." With a dramatic clearing of his throat, Aro spoke once more. "Let the trial of Sophia the vampire begin."


Sorry for taking five years.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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