On Your Sleeve

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Sophia paced the length of her favorite field in thought. If that dumbass frat boy was captured, he could call her out. The best plan of action was to go to Italy and persuade them to disregard anything Nicholas-Bradley said or accuse. If luck was her side, Aro would be gone, and she could bring up that she fought alongside Caius in the wars. That's sure to bring her brownie points.

But for certain, they cannot discover she killed her own newborn to cover her past tryst, or that she tried to create an army.

God, this would be easier if Cyril didn't leave.


Sybil opened the door to

Surprise, surprise,


Sarcasm aside, he looked worried. If that was an emotion that Alec even felt, because it's not like he purposely tries to be emotionless or anything. Okay, now sarcasm aside.

"My appointment went fine; I ate a wolf pack but after a year or so, they think I'm gonna make it; and no, I still don't really remember the lady who turned me." Sybil spluttered, trying to get all her words out before Alec could get a word in edge wise.

The elder vampire held an expression of immense confusion before shaking his head. "What? That's- that's not what I'm here for. I mean, I'm happy the appointment went well and that your fine, but this is because, well-" he broke off in a frustrated sigh. "Can we talk in private?" He asked, gesturing to the inside of Sybil's room.

The automatic response was, "Where's Jane?"

Alec swallowed hard. "She wanted me to say she's doing an errand for Master Aro-"

"She's torturing that frat asshat isn't she."

"Yes, yes she is."

Sybil laughed and stepped aside to let Alec in.

"What so important that we have to talk in a sound proofed room?"

Alec swallowed hard again before responding. "I have decided to, well, disclose information- that concerns you and I, you see- and I-" he stopped his rambling and saw Sybil's amused expression. "You're enjoying this far too much." He sighed.

"It's not often you trip over your words." She chuckled, sitting in the bed.

Instead of joining her in the bed, Alec kneeled in front the strange girl. "This is a very serious conversation, Sybil." He said sternly, trying to show exactly how serious he was.

"I'm sure, that's why you're stuttering." She giggled. Alec grasped Sybil's hand in his, gently cupping them. Sybil became somber and anxious. "Okay I'm paying attention." She said quietly.

Alec wetted his lips with his tongue before speaking. "When you first came here, you were so... ignorant of our species. And I didn't even let myself consider becoming-." He stopped and sighed, frustrated with himself. "We have mates, you know this?" Sybil nodded. "Master Aro and Caius have theirs; and Chelsea has Afton-"

"Wait, someone is mated to Caius? Willingly?" Sybil asked.

Alec rolled his eyes. "Yes, but that is not the point right now." He explained quickly. "Sybil." he sighed, using the back of his left hand to caress the strange girl's face, her lilac eyes widened and stared into Alec's own crimson pair. "Sybil, mates are the most important thing in a vampire's life. Once they are turned some spend centuries searching for theirs. I admit, I never gave much thought to my own, and I never searched for mine." He gently gripped Sybil's face with both hands and gave a small smile. "But it seemed that it didn't matter because she came to me."

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