Storm: Part 2; Head will roll

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Demetri entered the barn first, Sybil and Valentine following closely behind him. The first thing Sybil saw was a ring of fire around the main support beam in the center of the shabby building, and instantly smelled the twins. She felt a low growl resonate in her chest at the scene. The second thing she saw was a tall, thin man in a green track suit with dark hair combed stylishly, but impracticality. He smelled like cheap cologne and human sweat. Sybil scrunched her nose in disgust. And though she didn't see it, she could feel and hear several persons move about above her in the rafters.

The man was smiling, possibly more creepy than Aro ever could, and greeted the trio.

"Ah, you've returned two days early." He said pleasantly, clasping his hands together. A dramatically sad look overcame his features. "But no Caius. How sad. A simple request denied. And here I thought the Volturi was 'hyper efficient'." He sighed.

Sybil could feel Valentine and Demtei tense and move closer to her, but Sybil was paying more attention to the fire in the center of the room.

She could feel the man trying to get her attention, so she turned to face him.

And saw nothing in the depths of his eyes. Just cold, empty loneliness. It left an ache in Sybil's chest. The itch in her brain told her it was a mind trick, a mental power he was using. The young vampire quickly turned off, and watched as the man in green look at her empty space confused.

Strangely, Valentine didn't seemed to be bothered with Sybil disappearing act.

Sybil sneered as the man lost his composure and saw it as a weakness. He wasn't expecting her. Good.

Once back 'on', the man's face turned from disbelief to wonder.

"What a wonderful gift. And such strange eyes." He breathed.

Valentine pushed Sybil behind him and hissed.

The man ignored him. "My name is Nicholas-Bradley. It would an honor if you-"

"Stuff it." She interrupted, glaring. Whatever Nicholas-Bradley was expecting, it wasn't that. He glared at her harshly.

"Well aren't you rude. Some one should teach you to respect your superiors."

Sybil moved in front of Valentine, who tried to hold her back, and scoffed.

"I respect a ten year corpse more than you."

Nicholas-Bradley hissed at that.

Deciding to act nonchalant to enrage him, as he seemed to be a man who thrived on attention, Sybil turned to Demetri.

"How long will this take. I wanna go home."

Seeing what she was doing, Demetri smiled and petted her head affectionally, carefully avoiding the curls that piled around her. (Sybil decided to dress 'dramatically' because she figured that's what Jane would want. This include curled hair, black eyeliner, a black velvet choker, and a large ruby ring adorning her left ring finger).

"Not very long. Get the twins, dear?" He asked, completely turning his attention to Sybil and ignoring Nicholas-Bradley, who was fuming.

Valentine was chuckling deep in his chest, a familiar sound to Sybil, it filled her with calm and reassurance.

She turned off, causing the man with the ridiculous name huff, and he mumbled something. Two girls, both blonde and nearly identical, fell from the ceiling, and crowded to the man in the track suit. Sybil noted them with disinterest and walked calmly towards the fire.

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