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I can hear people crying my name but why were they so sad aren't they happy that I am hurt they shouldn't be sad? Ughhh why can't I open my eyes I need to open my eyes come on.

I give up it not working the only thing I can do is hear what they are talking about and that it. " Xavier it okay our Luna is strong she will survive" there is that word again Luna they need to understand that I'm not a Luna. I felt someone hand on my hand the hand was rough but soft. It actually help me relax like nothing will ever happen to me.

I want to thank the person who was holding my hand because I had enough strength too open my eyes when I open them I look at the person it was Xavier. I pull my hand away and he looks at me " you are awake." I look at him and I nodded.

He stands up and close the door and he sits next to me " why would you do that" I look at him and I don't reply " tell me please you almost got hurt you and you hurt my best friend " I puff out " I needed answer and you wouldn't give it to me so that what happened."

He looks at me and sighs " I can't tell you because you aren't ready yet you are not mentally stable and your emotions is all over the place." He said that kind of hurt me too hear it come out of his mouth. " tell me I'm ready to hear it TELL ME!" I yelled.

" NO!" He said " fine" I took out the tubes from my vein and I stood up " where are you going " he said and he grabs me and I slap him " don't touch me okay you know what hurts the most is that you don't want to tell me about the conversation that you had with my grandmom i thought you care but I was wrong!" I said and I walk out.

I saw that I wasn't in my house it was someone else house I look around and I heard what sounded like a group of boys yelling at something I followed the voices and I saw 5 boys playing on the tv.

I move back around and I go back to where I started at " jade thank god you still here " I saw it was Xavier and I looked away " take me home " " I will take you home but I don't think you have the keys to the house and your grandmother comes pretty late." He says and I sigh " also I informed your grandmother that you will be sleeping here for a couple days because you have not heal yet."

I groan out " kill me now " i was grab and my back hit the wall " don't EVER say that again jade" said Xavier " why huh why and get off me " i said trying to get him to stop holding me. " because " he said and he moved away nope I'm not letting this happen again.

I ran right in front of him and he stops " because of what Xavier huh" I guess I took it far because the next thing he said surprised me " Because I FUCKING LOVE YOU! Jade I want you and only you"

My eyes opened I was actually happy but i know that I can't let him fall for me more " Xavier you need to stop loving me " he looks at me " why?" He said " because if you don't I will be the reason for your death and the rest of your family it best if you don't love me Xavier I want you to stop loving me." I said.

" I don't care I know you won't be able to do that" I raised my eyebrows " are you sure didn't my grandmother told you what happened to my parents " he shakes his head and I smirk " I killed them I killed my own parents" he looks at me and shakes his head " that not true." He said u go closer to him.

" it true I would never lie to you about that" I said and I go to the couch and I lay down I turn my head to see that Xavier wasn't there and I shrug  at least he is scared of me now but why does my heart feels broken?

I shake my head I heard a door opens and a man walk in and a woman when they say me they ask me " who are you?" They ask me I shrug " just someone that has no idea why I have to stay here."

I saw them come and sit down on the other chairs " what your name we are Xavier parents" my eyes opened up and it went back down " my name is jade" I said I don't know what happened next but Xavier mom hug me and screams with joy.

" I can't believe you are here right now standing right next to me in this very room you are sooo beautiful Xavier is so lucky to have you as his mate" she says I look at her in a weird way " what is a mate?" Her eyes open.

" u- he didn't.... oh..dear never mind" she said and they both stood up and walk away I am very confused right now. And I think I know who has all the answers. I stood up and I walk to the room that I heard the group of boys were at.

I barge in and they look away " where is Xavier" I said " um you mean alpha Xavier" I nodded " he is probably in his room that is upstairs in the 5th floor" I nodded and I walk well run upstairs.

Okay so it can be one of these rooms I open the door and it was a small library room I slowly walked inside and I look around then I remember that I had to ask Xavier what is a mate.

I got out and I open the door that was in the end of the hallway and there stood Xavier with just his boxers " um...put clothes on I need to ask you something " I heard his footsteps moving around and then he said " okay what is it" he said.

" what is a mate." His eyes open " where did you heard that from?" " your parents told me that you found your mate and they were hugging me" I said he looks away and says " fuck" I raise my eyebrows.

" so are you going to tell me or not" I said he shakes his head " tell me I have a right to know you know that right" he stands up and he comes closer to me " if It was easy I would have been telling you but I can't it too soon" he said.

" you are annoying and I hate you Xavier." I said and I walk out. After that whole thing with Xavier I was in the couch just looking around and staring at everything I didn't even know that I was very tired until I feel asleep.

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