Im a luna?

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I walk out of the room with flats on that weren't mine and I go outside i look at the grass and I pluck on it It not true it a myth but than why was it their why do they have that there.

I look around and I saw a little child playing with a ball I go to where he is at " hey little boy" they boy stops looking at the grass and he looks at me " hey who are you " I smile " I am Xavier friend " he nods " do you happen to know where he is?" He looks at me " yeah he is in the woods" he suddenly jumps up.

" do you want me to take you too him" I nodded he pulls my arm and we were basically running towards him we went inside the woods and we ran " wait hold on a second let walk quietly for we don't disturb him." He stops and we both walk quietly.

I look around and then my hand was being tugged I look down and the boy pointed to something " look Xavier " I saw him and he was without a shirt then instead of Xavier standing there it was a very big wolf my eyes widen with terror I try not to scream out loud and I carry the boy with me and I hold him.

It is true Xavier is a wolf I am inside a household full of wolfs " why are you trembling" ask the boy " because I am cold" lies I continue on walking and when we were out of the forest I put him down and I ran inside the room and I bump into something I look up and I saw it was josh.

" hey are you okay here" he sticks his hand out and I look at him and I slap his hand away and I slowly stood up I look at his every move " are you okay?" He ask I look at him and I ran upstairs I lock my door and I go to my phone and call 911 " 911 what is your emergency " " i need help I am in this guys house " " okay calm down do you know them."

" we'll sort of " she sighs " miss I can't help you with that please don't call if it isn't a emergency " she said and hangs up. Fuck! I okay jade breath in deeply and stay calm I grab my phone and I walk downstairs I heard the door open and I saw it was Xavier I try to stay calm but I was freaked out.

" um ca..can I go home" I said he looks at me strangely and he comes forward and I back away " um please stay there" he stops " jade what wrong " he said and he move forward I back away " please stay there please just take me home" he nods " come on" " Xavier I mean on a taxi" he looks at me and was about to say something but he nods.

I sigh in relief when he said yes. So I am a Luna and Xavier is my mate but why me I am not a werewolf I am human right? " okay the taxi will be here soon" i nodded i look down on the floor and i felt a hand on my shoulder i look up and i smack his head away "monster" i saw.

I look outside and see the taxi and I ran to the taxi I got in and I told the driver where I live at and he drove away I look back and I saw Xavier figure slowly disappearing I lay down and I sigh.

" miss we are here" I sit up and I see my house " thank you how much " I ask him " it was already paid through the phone " i nod I got out and I knock on the door when the door opens I look at my grandmother.

" grandmother we have to leave it not safe here we need to leave now!" I said I grab her arm and gently pull her out the house " sweetie calm down what do you mean that it not safe here" I look at her debating if I should tell her or not.

Well she deserves to know " I know this may sound crazy but there are werewolfs in this country Xavier and his friends are all werewolf" I look at her and at first she doesn't say anything but then she laughs. " sweetie it okay they are not going to hurt any of us because if they do they are going to get in trouble with alpha Xavier" I look at her " so you knew?"

She nods " that why I felt it was safer for you to come here they are good people and also Xavier is good for you too since you are his mate" I look at her and I shake my head " grandmother how could you why you didn't tell me anything about this huh" she looks at me and says " because I knew your reaction will turn out this way."

" but I am a Luna I don't want to be a Luna " I said looking at her and I walk inside I go to my room and I broke stuff I sat on the floor and I let the tears drop " I'm a Luna?"

Knock knock!

"Coming " I heard some knocking at the door I wipe my drool off. And I open it and it was Xavier and josh  I grip on my door " what..are you doing here" Xavier walks closer and I back away they both came inside and close the door. Shit! I look at the window and I go closer to the window just incase the make a move.

" jade so josh told me that you were scared of him and you call him a monster I also noticed that you were acting strangely around me I want to know why." I look at josh and at Xavier. I walk closer to Xavier and I grab his hand and I look at him " because of this."

I said when I felt my hand tingling I walk back and I look at both of them " I know what you guys are" I said they both look at each other and sigh. " why would you keep this from me if you guys wanted to be my friend you were supposed to tell me everything but you lie and that hurt me." Xavier was about to speak but I continue.

" so you thought I couldn't physically and emotionally take this big secret well Xavier look i could handle it i am mad at you for keeping this secret from me" I took a deep breath " I can't believe you kept this from your own mate too aren't we supposed to be telling each other everything aren't we equal " his eyes widen open he open and close his mouth.

" how did you find out " I go and gave him the two books " fuck!" I look at him and I raise my eyebrows " look I will talk to you tomorrow I need space and I need my sleep " I said he nods and leaves. But the only question that is running through my mind is.

" should I reject him?"

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