Chapter 5: Danger

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"Oh my god!" Emma yelled running up to Alexis and I. It was one day after I told her and only a few days into school. It was the dreaded B day. I hated most of my teachers on B Day. A Days are great though. Alexis was addled.

"Umm.... What?" Alexis asked Emma when she appeared right in front of us.

"Oh... um..... um..." Emma said not knowing what else to say.

"I-I showed her my-my p-powers." I stuttered.

"Nic-I can't even. Why?" she asked me.

"I thought that she should know," I insisted.

"I'm sorry, but what's going on?" Emma interrupted.

"Nothing," Alexis responded faster than I could've.

"Oh well I better get going," Emma announced.

"Bye," Alexis faked smiled with me left clueless.

When Emma left she gripped my arm and pulled me vigorously, shoving me into one of rows of lockers and pinned my arms against them.

"You can not do this," Alexis said, "Why? Why did you do that. I care about you. I don't want you to be in danger," she admitted, "Don't you understand! You can't be going around showing people you just met..." she slowed down and whispered, "your powers. I care about you a lot. And I don't want to see you having to be taken in by the government."

"I trust her," I finally said.

"Well I don't and I would hate for that happen to you. Nicole if something where to happen, I would WANT to hunt you down and make sure whatever is going to happen is not going to happen. I would WANT to destroy whoever kidnapped you. I would WANT you to be okay. But that can't happen because I don't have capability to do anything. I'm only 16 Nicole. I can't do much. I'm only getting my driver's license next month and you expect me to be able to do that. Well I can't."

"I didn't expect you. I can fend for myself," I stated.

"NICOLE!" she said slapping me arduously. A tear rolled down my cheek and let go of me and pulled me straight into a hug. I pushed my self away from her and looking around to see no teachers in sight.

"Why did you do that? Why? Why are you even my friend!?!?!?" I yelled. I walked away furious. I saw Lucas and Kyle standing at the far end of the lockers when I realized that they have been walking the whole time. I just thrust my way past them.


What the hell did I just do to my best friend? Why did I do that? 

Lucas and Kyle came up to me and asked, "What was that?"

"Nothing," I said just avoiding them and walking inside the building.

I roamed the school to pinpoint Nicole. She was nowhere to be found. Not in the library. Not in her first period. Not in the band hall. Not in the gym. Not in the choir room. Not in the office. Not in the cafeteria. Not in the theatre room. Not in the art room. Not physically in the school. But the first bell rang and I had to get to class. What had I done? 

I didn't have Nicole in my first period but I did have Lucas (geometry). 

He came up to my desk right before the bell rang and asked, "What in the world would make you ever do that to Nicole?"

"I don't know," I cried.

"You didn't just hurt her physically, but mentally."

"I know, I just... I didn't know what was going my mind."

"You didn't know?!" he tried hard not to scream, "Wow. Just wow."

"I didn't," I confirmed, "I don't know why I would ever do such a thing."

"I think you do," he said crestfallen.

Mrs. Mays, geometry teacher, closed the door after greeting everybody once the second bell rang. 

She cleared her throat and said, "Hunter, please take your seat." Lucas sat down in his seat which was in the parallel row of mine and one seat back. Sarah sat in the same row as Lucas but two seats in front of him. 

Sarah stood up with her backup on and stepped back in front of the girl sitting in front of Lucas, Cassandra Willis, and demanded her to move, "Cass Cass, move move.... MOVE." Cassandra exchanged seats with Sarah, which I wished she didn't.

"Hey guys," she said in the most indistinct voice as possible. I just smiled hoping she wouldn't say anything else continuing to copy down the notes for angles, yet she did, "So, what are you two lovebirds up to."

"Shut up," I said not looking at her. She continued talking but I just zoned her out, my eyes focusing on the board and my ears focusing on Mrs. Mays. I wanted to leave this class. I wanted to leave this school. And most of all I wanted to see Nicole. 


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tOdAy WaS jUsT a GoOd DaY, i'M sO wEiRd! Do you agree???? i want waffles

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tOdAy WaS jUsT a GoOd DaY, i'M sO wEiRd! Do you agree???? i want waffles...

Song: Ignorance
By: Paramore

Published: Friday, January 27th, 2017

Word Count: 851

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