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-I'm ready to hope, swing me out of the low-Oh Wonder

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-I'm ready to hope, swing me out of the low-
Oh Wonder


  Someone is stalking me. Then I see a pistol. The last thing I see is bullet flying through and shattering the window. The last things I hear are a loud bang, glass, and screams. The pain shoots through my body as I fall to the ground. I feel blood surrounding me. And now everything feels as if it's spinning. Then my eyes start closing in. Am I dead?


  I wake up somewhere else. A bedroom with blue walls, and I'm laying on a black bed. I'm not dead? What is happening?

  "Nicole, Nicole, get up," an older girl says. Her olive skin contrasts her dark brown hair. She's wearing a black leather jacket, a white tank top, and black tights. Apparently, so am I. "Nicole! NOW!!! They're coming for us!" They're. Who are they?

  I don't say anything, for I get up and walk with her. The hallways are crowded with running, scared, nervous kids and teenagers ranging from ages seven to twenty-three, some even look in their forties. The walls are fairly empty, just plain white. I sprint in the same direction as everyone else: left. 

  We all end at a stop. A man stands there, staring at us. He looks in his mid-thirties. He has blond hair and wears a blue polo shirt and black jeans. Everyone looks at me for a split second, like I'm some kind of hero that supposed to save the day. "Hello, Nicole." How does he know my name? He looks at me with those eyes. His blue eyes look straight into my brown ones. I feel intimidated. 

  He slowly walks towards me; I back up. Until I fall on someone's foot, and my head bangs against the ground. The man points a gun at the bridge of my nose. He chuckles and throws the gun behind me. He's insane. What's up with him? I don't understand. If he had shot me, I wouldn't have died; I already am, aren't I?

  He grabs me by my throat.

  "Use your powers," multiple people say. I remember what happened the last time I used my powers in front of people that don't have them, that aren't "superhuman," as Madeline liked to call us. Wait, how do they know I have powers? Are they superhumans, too?

  He chokes me and pushes me up against a wall. I can they attempt to use their powers, but they just don't work. I kick him in the crotch, and he falls to the ground, groaning. 

  "You can't kill me," I state. 

  "Darling," he says, "you don't know what I can do." He stands up.

  I shoot my hands at him, but nothing comes out, just like everyone else's power.

  He comes towards me and throws me against the wall. I fall down, crying. I get up and punch him in his nose, and he starts to bleed. He touches his nose and looks at his fingers as he sees his blood.

  "No. No," I say. "You will not win. I won't let that happen." My blood boils, and my adrenaline rushes.

  "Oh, Nicole, you are so hilarious," he says. He grabs the pistol that's on the ground and shoots me but misses. 

  I run towards him and grab the pistol. But right as I put my finger on the trigger, he turns the gun towards me, and I shoot myself in the head. He lets go of me, and I fall to the ground. 

  He won.

  He sure did.

  Once again, I have failed.

  I have failed.

  I have failed at everything.

  And once again, I am blind, I am deaf, and the pain intensifies. 

  But none of this can take anything away from me. I was Nicole Patterson. I am Nicole Patterson. I will still be Nicole Patterson, and nothing can take that away from me. I am the one and only Nicole Patterson.


YAYYYYY I FINISHED!!!!!!!!! I HOPE YOU LOVED THE ENDING AS MUCH AS I LOVED WRITING IT! two updates  in one day! have a wonderful weekend. and i hope everyone affected by Harvey, and Irma are okay.

PUBLISHED: Saturday, September 9th, 2017

SONG: White Blood
ALBUM/EP: Oh Wonder


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