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by Melanie McKay

Last night, Harry Styles attended London's nightclub 'Empire' for the third time in 3 weeks. We last reported that he was seen talking to a mystery brunette in a side alley of the mentioned club, and now we were finally able to put a face to him, thanks to a Twitter user who snapped pictures of them both.
In the first pictures Harry is seen leaving the nightclub alone, and getting into his car. Some time later, the brunette, whose face is pretty clear in the pictures, is seen walking up to Harry's car, and then getting in it.
Still, we have no idea who he is, and Twitter has been blowing up with speculations of who he might be, and accusations of the brunette coming between Harry and Cole Martin's recently outed relationship.
Our mission right now, is to discover who this mystery brunette is, and as soon as we know, we won't hesitate to let you know.


It was Edgar's meows that woke Louis up that Sunday morning.

"Just 5 more minutes, Edgar" Louis mumbled without opening his eyes.

But because Edgar didn't have any patience when he was hungry, he kept on meowing, and louder this time.

"Okay, okay, I'm up" Louis gave up, as he sat on his bed and rubbed his eyes.

He looked at the time on his phone, and realized it was 10 past noon, which meant he had actually gotten 7 hours of sleep, and that almost never happened.

"Hey, you didn't wake me up so early" Louis smiled at the cat as he got up from the bed, and picked him up to take him with him "I'll give you a treat for being a good boy".

Louis walked out of his room, and into the kitchen, got food in Edgar's plate, and then changed his water too, because he always liked to have fresh water to drink.

Then it was his turn to have breakfast, and he decided to make pancakes, he hadn't eaten those in a while, and he had all the stuff to make them from scratch, so he did.

When he finished the pancakes, he put syrup on them, and sat down at the counter with a cup of tea.

He had just started eating, when the front door of the flat burst open, and in came his neighbor.

"Louis!" Niall said urgently, and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, not even bothering to protest Niall's presence in his flat, there was no use to.

"You're the mystery brunette!" Niall exclaimed.

"I'm the what?" Louis asked, completely confused.

"The mystery brunette that's been hanging out with Harry Styles!" Niall replied, and he was almost hyperventilating "It's you! Why didn't you tell me?".

"Harry Styles? What-" Louis started to ask, but he didn't get to finish.

"How did you meet him? Was it at the club? How long has this been going on?" Niall questioned.


"You got into his car last night, did you come here? Did you sleep with him? Oh my god, is he still here? Is he in your room?" Niall demanded.

"There's no one in my room, Niall, and last night I got a ride with this lad-" Louis started to explain.

"Harry freaking Styles, Louis!" Niall almost

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