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by Claudia Mayer

The internet has been exploding since last night, when Harry Styles took it to Twitter to announce that he's working on a new album.
The 23 year old tweeted: 'Just finished recording a new song, I can't wait for everyone to listen to it and my new album, H'.
His fans are going crazy about the news, retweeting and speculating when the new album will drop, and some are saying they're going to start saving money to buy concert tickets, in case he decides to accompany the album with a tour, like he has done in the past.
We, personally, can't wait to hear Harry's new music, and will be counting the days until the album drops!


It had been almost two weeks since Louis and Harry started writing songs together, and so far, they had finished 2 songs, which Harry had already recorded. In Louis' opinion they  both sounded amazing, and he was quite proud of them, even though he had only written the lyrics.

He was liking the whole process quite a lot, and because they had been working in Louis' flat, and not being seen anywhere together, the rumors about them being a couple had died down, just as Harry said they would, which Louis was very happy about.

The only downside to it, was that Louis was exhausted; he was using all his free time to work with Harry, which meant his sleeping time was now less than it used to be.

Luckily it was now Friday, and on Saturday he was going to be able to sleep more.

He was currently working at the bookstore, and was rearranging some of the books on a shelf, when his phone buzzed in his pocket, and he took it out, and saw he had a new text from Harry.

From Harry: hey, do you think we could start working on a new song tomorrow?

To Harry: sure, but not before 1, I need to catch up on some sleep

From Harry: of course, I can be at ur flat at 1.30? I can bring lunch

To Harry: sounds good, see u tomorrow

From Harry: looking forward to seeing u 😉

Without being able to stop himself, Louis smiled at that last text. That always happened to him when Harry said (or wrote) anything flirty to him, which he did a lot, despite Louis' warnings to stop.

And he wasn't stupid, he knew it meant he liked Harry in a more than friends way, but he also knew it wasn't a good idea to like Harry like that, it was a recipe for disaster.

"What are you smiling about?" Virginia, his boss, asked coming up to him.

"Nothing" Louis shook his head, and put away his phone.

"It didn't seem like nothing" Virginia said knowingly "Who is he?".

"Just a friend" Louis brushed off, and continued rearranging boos.


"What?" Louis smiled at her.

"I just find it hard to believe just a friend made you smile like that" Virginia explained.

Louis was going to insist that he was just texting a friend, but that was when the door of the shop opened, and in came a woman, followed by a teenage girl, who looked like a younger version of her, so Louis assumed they were mother and daughter.

"Oh, look, customers" Louis pointed out, knowing that was going to make Virginia go away, she didn't like customers much, she just liked the books.

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