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By Caroline Nash

Early this morning, TMZ broke the news that Harry Styles supposedly will cancel his US and Canada tour, which is to take place during the summer. They claim they got the information from different sources close to the artist, but they didn't disclose any names to protect them.
The second the news broke, social media exploded with American fans completely freaking out about this possible cancelation, and demanding answers from Harry himself, but he hasn't said a word, but he's probably busy preparing his show today in Bangkok, Thailand.
We honestly have no idea if this is true or just unfounded gossip, but we can't think of a reason why Harry would cancel the biggest leg of his tour, considering how great the tour has been doing so far, and that the tickets have sold out.
We reached out to Harry's representatives for comment, but so far they haven't gotten back to us, but if they do, or if we have any more information, we won't hesitate to share it with you!


Louis' favorite day of the week was Sunday, because he got to sleep in, and do absolutely nothing all day long if that was what he wanted. Well, he got to sleep in unless Edgar woke him up, which he did that Sunday, but after he got up to feed him, he went right back to bed, and fell asleep instantly.

When he woke up again, he looked at the time and realized it was already 1 in the afternoon, and he was starving.

But he wasn't starving for anything, he was actually craving chocolate.

The problem was that he didn't have any chocolate in his flat, he had thrown out all of the chocolate, candy and unhealthy snacks he had, and was trying to buy only things that were healthy for the baby.

So he opened the fridge trying to see if he could find something that would make his craving fade, but there was nothing good enough, and he thought that maybe he shouldn't have thrown all of the junk food away...

Louis realized he was probably going to go out to get some chocolate, but then he remembered he had a certain neighbor who never had any real food in his flat, but he always had chocolate and candy.

So he grabbed a set of keys he had of Niall's flat, but didn't have to use them, because the second he opened his own door, he saw his friend had the door of his flat open, and he was kissing someone.

Well, not just someone, he knew pretty well who it was.

Louis cleared his throat, and Niall immediately detached himself from Liam, and looked at Louis as if he had been caught doing something wrong, which of course he wasn't, he was free to kiss anyone he wanted.

"Liam's leaving" Niall announced, and pushed Liam away.

"Hey, Louis" Liam greeted him, ignoring Niall.

"Hi" Louis said back "Nice to see you again".

"You too" Liam answered "Harry told me about the big news, congrats".

"Thank you" Louis smiled, and automatically placed his hand on his growing stomach.

"I really should go now" Liam said, and looked at Niall "I'll call you later, okay?".

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