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by Alex Miller

In a recent interview for Silverlight magazine, Cole Martin talked about his childhood, his career, and what we're most interested in, his love life.

When asked about his romance with British singer Harry Styles, the actor said: 'Harry wasn't ready for an adult relationship, and that's fine, but I wasn't going to keep wasting my time with someone like that, so I ended things'. Then, he was asked about the men Harry has been seen with since they stopped being an item, but Cole refused to comment about it.

This leaves us devastated, as we were long time Corry supporters, but we still hope that one day Harry will be ready for an 'adult relationship', as Cole says, and they find their way back to each other.


Louis had never been in a Record Label's office in his life.

Why would he, really? Before meeting Harry, he had never been involved in music at all.

But here he was now, because he was supposed to sign a contract that allowed them to publish (or however it was called in the music business) the songs he had written with Harry, in exchange of royalties from the sale of the songs, which was pretty detailed in the contract.

They had actually sent the contract to him a few days ago, which according to the person he talked to, was the standard contract every songwriter signed, but Louis had learned from his father, who was a lawyer, that you should never sign something without reading and understanding what you're signing. And because Louis wasn't a lawyer, he had sent the contract to his dad for him to review it (which had helped a lot to convince him that his involvement with Harry was just professional), and he had sent it back with a few notes, for Louis to be aware of, but said it was okay for him to sign.

The problem was that he had been in the reception area of the Record Label for an hour already, and he was supposed to be called in, but nothing had happened so far.

"Excuse me" Louis said to the receptionist, for the third time since he arrived "Are you sure you told them I'm here, because I've been waiting for an hour".

"Yes, they said they would let me know when you can go in" the woman answered.

"Do you think you could ask how much longer it's going to take?" Louis asked politely.

"Sure" the receptionist replied, but didn't seem like she wanted to do it.

"Thank you".

He went back to sit, and watched as she picked up her phone, exchanged a few words with someone, and put the phone down.

"They said it will just be a few more minutes" the woman told him.

"Alright, thanks" Louis smiled.

But more than a few minutes passed, and Louis was getting fed up; he understood he wasn't an important person for them, but to make someone wait so long was just disrespectful.

He didn't know what he could do about it, though, he knew it was important for the release of Harry's album that the contract was signed as soon as possible, and he had already delayed it when he asked time to ask his dad to read the contract for him.

But as he stared at one of the posters of Harry's albums that decorated the room, he realized maybe he could help him out.

He actually hadn't seen Harry since they finished writing their last song, which had been over a week ago, but they had talked on the phone a few times, and they texted a lot, so it wasn't weird for him to call him.

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