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By Claudia Mayer

Just yesterday morning we reported that Harry Styles' fans were speculating that his baby with Louis Tomlinson might have been born already, because neither of them had been seen in public for a couple of weeks.
But now we know that the rumors aren't true, because of a Twitter user, @leahj97, who last night took it to social media to tell the world she had just seen Louis Tomlinson at a pizzeria in London, and then uploaded a picture she took of him in which he looks heavily pregnant.
So there you have it guys, no baby Styles yet, but by the looks of Louis in the picture it seems it could be any day now, it's just a waiting game from here, we just hope that whenever it happens, Harry will be kind enough to announce it to his fans!


It was 10 in the morning already, and there was no sign of the baby wanting to come anytime soon.

Louis had been just 4 cm dilated last time he was checked, but he was in a lot of pain. He kept changing positions to try to cope better with the contractions, but according to him nothing was working.

"Every time I think the contractions can't possibly get any more painful, they do" Louis declared, he was sitting on a yoga ball and was bouncing slightly.

"I know, but it will be over soon, Lou" Harry told him.

"You said that 3 hours ago" Louis complained.

"I don't know what else to say to comfort you" Harry said honestly.

"There's nothing" Louis sighed, as he rubbed the sides of his belly.

"Are you having another one?" Harry asked.

"Not yet" Louis denied "Can you give me water, please?".

Harry nodded, and went to get Louis' glass, which only had a little water in it, so he refilled it with the iced water someone had just brought in, and gave it to Louis, who drank from the straw.

"Thanks" Louis smiled a little.

"You're doing great, Lou" Harry said as he softly pushed Louis' hair back.

"I'm so tired, though" Louis sighed, and rubbed his left eye with the heel of his hand.

"Why don't you get in the bed and rest a bit?" Harry suggested as he left the glass aside.

"Okay" Louis nodded.

Harry helped him get up, but just as he did, he felt Louis' hand squeezing his arm tightly and he knew he was having a contraction.

"Just breathe, love, breathe" Harry said soothingly as he held him tightly.

Louis was doing that, but he kept squeezing the life out of Harry's arm, but he let him do that, as he knew his pain was a million times worse.

"Is it over?" Harry asked, when Louis finally let go.

"Yeah" Louis breathed.

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