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By Claudia Mayer

In what could be Harry Styles' last day in London before he leaves the country to start his worldwide tour, he was spotted at Starbucks by some fans, who were quick to ask him for pictures.
Always a gentleman, Harry agreed to all of them, and in the course of the day, more than 10 pictures surfaced on Twitter and Instagram of the singer posing with his fans.
One of them, Instagram user @Harrylove96, said in the caption: Harry was so nice when we ask if he could take pictures with us, and asked us how we were doing, and what we thought about his new album, and he seemed so happy when we all said we love it, it was so cute.


Louis had been counting the hours until 6 o'clock, so he could close the bookstore, and go home. Harry was coming over so they could spend their night together, before he had to leave for Brazil the next day.

Just as it was time to close the store, and Louis gathered his things, he realized he had a new text from Harry from a few minutes ago.

From Harry: i got a little delayed, so i'll be there around 7, but i'll bring dinner, any requests?

Louis thought about it, and realized he really felt like eating Mexican food, like a really spicy burrito.

To Harry: burritos! Very spicy please 😜

From Harry: sure, babe

Louis smiled at Harry's quick response, and then put his phone in his pocket, grabbed his things, and left the store, making sure he closed the door and the metal shutter properly, and he was on his way to his flat.

Ten minutes later, he got to his building, and while he was taking the keys from his pocket to open the outside door, he heard someone call his name.

He could have recognized that voice anywhere, so he turned around, and sure enough, there was his ex boyfriend leaning against a lamp post.

"Z" Louis said surprised.

The last time he had seen him was about 2 months ago, the day Zayn's mum called asking if he knew where he was, and he had gone to his flat, and found him all messed up, but alive.

But the fact that he was seeing him after all of this time wasn't the most shocking thing, it was that he didn't look like a junkie anymore; he looked pretty healthy, Louis even noticed he had gained some weight.

Honestly, he looked exactly like when Louis met him.

"Hi, love" Zayn smiled at him.

"Hey" Louis said, still in awe "You look great".

"Thank you" Zayn smiled even wider "I'm clean".

"I can tell" Louis smiled back, feeling happy for him.

"Do you think we could go upstairs to talk for a bit?" Zayn wondered

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