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By Alex Miller

Ever since Harry's UK tour ended in London over 3 weeks ago, he has been completely MIA, not only he hasn't been seen anywhere, but he has also stayed away from social media completely.
But that changed yesterday, when he was photographed doing some Christmas shopping in central London accompanied by none other than by his daughter Sage. The British singer had his daughter strapped to his chest, only her beanie covered her visible, while he carried a few Christmas gift bags, and had a baby bag on his shoulder. Sage's other dad, Louis Tomlinson, was nowhere to be seen, and we're honestly melting at seeing Harry spending time alone with his daughter, proving the world that he surely is a hands on dad!


The plan had been that after Harry's last show, he was going to start taking Sage out of Louis' flat every day, so the latter could start focusing on his writing.

But Sage had gotten a little cold a few days after Harry's show, so Louis had gone into full mama bear mode, and had refused to be away from her until she was completely recovered, which according to Louis didn't happen for 2 weeks (in reality it was just 5 days).

After those 2 weeks, though, Harry had started taking Sage to his house every afternoon, even taking her to do some shopping once, and he wouldn't come back to Louis' flat until dinner time, which he usually brought with him, so Louis wouldn't have to waste time cooking.

"We're back, and we brought dinner" Harry announced as soon as he came in Louis' flat pushing Sage's stroller.

"Hey" Louis greeted with a smile, he was in the kitchen and seemed very busy.

"What are you doing?" Harry frowned as he took off his coat, and hang it on the coat rack.

"I'm making an apple pie" Louis replied.

"What happened to writing?" Harry asked, and unbuckled Sage to take her from the stroller.

"My mind is completely blank, and I knew you would bring dinner, so I though I'd make dessert for us" Louis shrugged.

Harry watched him in silence as he opened the oven door, then grabbed the pie dish he had on the counter, and put it in the oven.

The truth was that every day when Harry came back, he found Louis doing something different, it could be cleaning, watching the telly, cooking, reading, anything really... except writing.

So far Harry hadn't said anything about it, and he wasn't going to say anything either, because he didn't want to sound like he was pressuring Louis into working; he didn't really mind what he did during his free afternoons, and to be honest, he was enjoying his one on one time with Sage, so it was all good.

Louis came over to him, pecked his lips, and then took Sage from his arms.

"Hi, Sagie" Louis cooed, and kissed her forehead "Did you miss mummy?".

"She always misses her mummy" Harry smiled.

"Yeah? You missed me little cupcake?" Louis asked, his voice soft "But I bet you had a lot of fun with daddy, huh?".

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