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By Melanie McKay

A while back, we reported that Harry Styles might have already been paying child support to Louis Tomlinson, despite the fact that their child hasn't even been born yet.
Now, thanks to a source close to the British artist, we have confirmed that the claims are true, Harry is already paying up, and not only that, but we were told the amount Tomlinson gets every month is £50.000, and apparently he is demanding that the sum goes up the minute the baby is born.
We don't know about you, but we can't understand what he could possibly be spending all that money on, last time I checked baby items aren't that expensive, which makes us speculate that Louis is just using his child to profit from Harry, and the latter is probably just complying for the sake of his child.


Louis had gone to Brighton for Eleanor's wedding, and had stayed there overnight, but now he was on the train back to London, which he was really happy about.

He had stayed at a very nice hotel, which had what seemed to be a very comfy bed, but he hadn't been able to get much sleep, because his back had been hurting a lot lately, and sleeping in a different mattress than the one he was used to had made it a lot worse.

So he was looking forward to get home, lay down on his own bed, and take a long nap.

When he got to the train station, he noticed a girl giving him a dirty look, and trying to take a picture of him, but he ignored her, and walked out of there as fast as possible, got into a taxi, and gave him his address.

"I'm home" Louis announced when he opened the door, expecting his cat to come greet him, or at least the cat sitter.

But there was no answer, and as Louis made his way into the flat, he realized Niall, the cat sitter, was outside using the new patio furniture Louis had gotten, and had headphones on and was using Louis' laptop.

So Louis left his bag on the floor, and went out there, and realized Edgar was there too, spread across the grass, probably liking the sun on his fur.

"Hey Nialler" Louis asked sitting on a chair next to his friend.

"You scared me"  Niall said, taking off his headphones.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to" Louis chuckled "How was my little cupcake?"

"He was good" Niall answered, looking at the black cat "How was the wedding?".

"It was fun, a lot of my Uni friends were there, and I hadn't seen them in a while so it was nice catching up" Louis explained.

"Were they surprised to see you pregnant?" Niall wondered.

"They already knew, they have internet" Louis replied.

"Right" Niall nodded "Did they ask about the whole thing?".

"Yep" Louis nodded.

"And what did you tell them?" wondered Niall.

"The truth, I mean, obviously not every little detail, but I don't have anything to hide, so..." Louis shrugged.

"Yeah, that's true" Niall agreed "And did you meet anyone interesting?".

"Not really" Louis answered "El forced me to meet some cousin of her boyfriend, well, husband now, but he took one look at my baby bump and he ran for the hills".

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