Chapter 3

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When a witch or wizard is born they start to show signs of magic at about three years of age. However all my siblings started showing these qualities at an earlier age. My parents were proud, but being from two of the most powerful blood lines, they expected it.

Me however I was late...very late...i mean extremely late.

Five years old...nothing. At this point my parents just assumed I was a late bloomer and probably wasn't going to be a powerful as my siblings.

8 years this age they knew something was up and they were concerned. They took me all over the place finding anyone they could to 'help me' with the situation. However everywhere they went, same thing, nothing. Many tried to 'fix me' all failed.

9 years old...they were so worried that they thought 'let's make sure she's apart of this world in some way at least'.

My parents took me to the last creatures I could ever dream of them taking me to and that's vampires, werewolves, demons...(beings with dark magic).

Creatures such as these were looked down upon with great disgust in my community. That might sound like segregation to you but they were evil. Their blood possessed essences of Satan's. But my parents were so desperate they brought me to them.

These creatures lived in horrid places. The first place I was taken to was a forest. This may seem fine but it wasn't. First of all we went at the dead of night, second we had to go right into the deepest depths of the place, where it seemed as even the trees were shaking with fear and not because of the wind. Third, it always felt as though we were being watched, bright luminous eyes on us constantly as we walked, sending chills of terror down my spine.

But my parents didn't care how I felt about all of this, as long as it worked out for them nothing else mattered

They thought as long as I was apart of this world in some way it would be fine. They didn't even ask my opinion on the matter. In the end what I said wouldn't have made any difference as they would never listen to me, they believed I was a disgrace to the family name, so putting essence of Satan in me wouldn't change their opinion of me. I didn't matter to them. They thought that this was doing me a favour.

However what my parents let those creatures do to me had no effect. All the evil beings tried turning me into them over the next few months, the pain was excruciating, torture on the highest level but it didn't work. I was bitten, slashed and several spells were cast upon me but I wouldn't turn, as though I were immune.

Now this shocked my parents so much that that it seemed as though their souls vacated their bodies momentarily.

They had no other option. No mortal child of theirs was staying in the magical realm. It would be too much of an embarrassment, a scar on the families perfect face. They sent me to live with humans at just 10 years of age.

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