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15 years later

"Lucas!" I call.

No reply. Where is that man? Honestly you would have thought that he'd be ready by now. It's not even day that you celebrate your ten year wedding anniversary. We're going away for the weekend, just the two of us, I can't even remember the last time we did that.

"Mummy!" I hear someone cry from behind me as small arms wrap around my hips. "Mummy help me I'm being chased."

I turn around to see my seven year old daughter Carissa. "Eros Carissa Praecantatio what are you talking about?"
Yes we all have my last name. You see the Pollienta family name was brought to shame after that fiasco fifteen years ago so it made more sense for Lucas to take my name.

"I told you, I'm being attacked," she says in her little high pitched voice. Carissa, like all Praecantatio children, has purple eyes however for some reason her and her siblings eyes shift from purple to green. Whenever any of them are doing magic their eyes are purple otherwise they're green, it's very strange, I know, but it's quite useful considering we live in the human realm.

Today she has her light brown hair in pigtails with purple ribbons to match her purple dress and I must say she looks absolutely adorable. She's a charmer child, I tell you, one look from her puppy eyes and she's got her father eating out of the palm of her hands. It most likely has something to do with her abilities, she has powers over love, sort of like a Cupid, but I've no idea the extent of her magic, considering she's only a child.

"Damon is chasing me," she cries again as she hides behind my legs. Of course, who else to cause mischief other than my nine year old son, Calvor Damon Praecantatio. He's a devious one by nature and loves to torment his little sister. He loves her dearly but he just loves causing havoc, that's just him.

"Carissa he's just playing. How about you chase him instead?"

Her eyes brighten up at the idea and she runs out of the room.

As I'm packing the last of my things I hear a loud crash. God, what's happened this time?

I run to the play room only to be met by the twins fighting over a stuffed animal, the drum set behind them smashed.

"Ferox Wilden Praecantatio! Audacia Rilee Praecantatio! What do you two think you're doing and what happened to the drum set?"

Wilden and Rilee are my five year old twins. These two both have blonde hair that will probably darken as they get older. Rilee's is in a ponytail on the back of her head, if I didn't tie her hair back it would get covered in all sorts of things so it's always tied up regardless. And Wilden's is cut short to prevent the same thing, he, like his sister, is very messy. These two really are a nuisance, they're both just so wild and daring.

They both drop the toy and turn to look at me with guilty faces. "Sorry mummy," they both say together. I can't stay mad at them, damn I'm going soft. Get a grip Luna.

"It's alright, have you seen your father anywhere?"

They shake their heads so I leave them and go to find my husband.

Ding dong.

My search is cut short but the doorbell ringing. I trudge down the stairs, dodging any toys that have been left there, and make my way to the door.

I'm met with the faces of Solis, Tyler and Blaze. "Thank god you're here, I haven't finished packing and I can't find Lucas anywhere and-"

I'm cut off by Solis pulling me into a hug. "Shh stop stressing, we're here to look after the kids, just go and finish packing."

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