Chapter 28

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"His initials are B P."

"B P. Anything else? There's a lot of guys with those initials, can you describe him at all?"

"Let me think. He has very dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Like an unnatural blue, they were just too bright and luminous to be normal."

Leo nods his head in thought. "Anything else? I don't really pay much attention to guys eyes. Did he do anything notable at the party?"

"He was there when we were playing truth or dare without the truth. I can't remember what his dare was but soon after it was said half the circle starting chanting 'B P' like mad." That's really all I know, I hope Leo knows who he is.

"Oh that guy. Yeah I know him. He moved here around two weeks ago. He hasn't joined a school yet cause he was settling in but I think he joins some time next week. No idea which school, just one near us."

I nod my head. "Do you know his name?"

"Umm I think it's Blake or Blaine, something like that. It definitely started with Bl. As for his last name, I've no clue. Sorry I couldn't help you more Kare-bear."

"Do you really know nothing more about him? You were one of the guys chanting."

He scratches his neck. "To be honest, I was pretty drunk that night so I can't remember too much. I think I started talking to him and from what I can remember he's a pretty cool guy."

"Anything else."

"Ummm." He paused then suddenly "Oh, I remember a bit. He asked about Stephanie. If she was there and just general stuff about her. At the time I didn't think anything of it but I guess that is kinda weird. Maybe he has a thing for her? Couldn't blame him, she is pretty hot."

"Really, again with this Steph is hot thing? We both know you'd just shag her then leave so don't even think about it," I say in a threatening manner as I glare at him. There's no way I'd let Steph date a player like him. He's one of my best friends but he isn't the best when it comes to girls, I'll just leave it at that.

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

Leo opens his mouth to say something then closes it and repeats it a few times. He looks like a puffer fish and it's pretty funny.

I quickly take out my phone and make a boomerang of it before he finishes, good thing he was too absorbed in thoughts to notice. Omg I'm keeping this, I'm going to teach you a life lesson really quick, blackmail is very important and useful resource to have up your sleeve so always look for any opportunities to get more.

"Are you going to say anything or are you just going to continue sitting there opening and closing your mouth like a fish."

He glares at me. "Well if you must know I was just trying to remember the rest of what he said to me but I guess I won't tell you." Wow he's being so spiteful, it's kind of funny.

"Chill Leo, I'm sorry okay?"

"Whatever" he mumbles. "Anyway I think he said something about you."

I raise my brows in question.

"Well he was very pissed after the dare you got to give Lucas a lap dance."

My cheeks flushed a little at the memory. Nope. I promised myself I wasn't going to think about Lucas right now. I'm here for Steph, not me.

"He was so close to punching Damon for giving you the dare and he was on the verge of strangling Lucas, you're lucky that even in my drunken state, being the amazing friend I am, I was still able to talk some sense into him."

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