Chapter 38

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"I'm your sister, Solis."

Holy crap on a cracker. Did I hear her correctly? Steph is Solis? Nope. I must have misheard.

"Sorry Steph could you repeat that I think I misheard you."

She shakes her head and looks at me with eyes full of sorrow and regret. "You heard me loud and clear, I'm Solis."

Steph is Solis. Steph is Solis. Steph is Solis. I keep repeating this, trying to get it through to my brain.

Can it be? My best friend is actually my sister. Solis and Stephanie, two of the people I cared about most in the world, are the same person.

Just like that everything clicked. From us becoming friends to now. Why else could we have gotten on do perfectly while still being polar opposites. I never realised how different Steph was to me but now that I think of it it couldn't have been more obvious.

Steph has the same long blonde hair as Solis but their eyes are different. Maybe she did something similar to me to mask her true purple colour.

Another piece of the puzzle put into place. The only one left now is what the actual fuck is an ordinary but I'll worry about that later.

What's more important is the fact that Stephanie is Solis. The fact that she lied to me all these years and the fact that she was my bloody sister. I really could have done with that piece of knowledge. My life was, and still is, a shit hole, having the most important person in my life at the time there to comfort me would have been probably the best thing that could have happened. But of course she didn't think about that.

My sister, one of the kindest and most considerate people I know did that to me. She left. Sure she was technically there but it's not the same. Stephanie was there, not her, although they're the same person they are very different. Steph was my sister in many ways but not in the way Solis was.

She lied. She made my life even worse than it already was. She kept me broken.

That fucking lying bitch. In that moment I was blinded by rage and did something that you'd expect from Blaze, not me, I slapped Steph and I slapped her hard, so hard that it could be heard from the opposite side of the room.

To be honest even though I did that on impulse I don't regret it, she fucking deserves ten times more than that.

I look at her, my eyes full of rage, but she doesn't look mad. She's acting as though there isn't a red hand imprint on her face. She sighs and looks me dead in the eye, her eyes full of regret and understanding.

"I deserved that," she says softly, laughing a little. "To be completely honest I deserve a fuck ton worse. I'm your sister and I left when you needed me most. I know being Stephanie wasn't the same but it was the best I could do. Your safety was my number one priority so I couldn't tell you who I was no matter how much I wanted to. I comforted you as a best friend but I know it's not the same. I wasn't there as your sister. You have every right to be furious at me. Stay mad at me for as long as you need but just remember I did this for you. I joined you in the human world because there's no way we could have been apart. Polar opposites are meant to stay together and the same goes for sisters."

I took in a deep breath and another one and another one. Her being so sweet and nice isn't helping me stay mad at her. How can I possibly be angry when she's so empathetic?

I sighed. "It's fine Steph–I mean Solis–I get it. I'm not happy about it but I understand. Don't get all happy I don't forgive you but I'll work on it."

She smiles at me, showing off her straight white teeth. "Thank you Luna." As she says this she pulls me into a tight hug that made me forget the fact that I was mad. Damn she knows me too well, I can't stay mad at her, I'll have to work on that.

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