Chapter 31

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I keep shifting in and out of consciousness. From what I've been able to gather I'm tied to something by strong bounds, I can't break them.

I have no idea where I am. Whenever I seem to wake up I get knocked out again within a few moments so I'm not too sure what's going on.

Why the hell am I being tied up? I'm a nobody here, in fact most don't even know I exist, my parents made sure of that.

You can do this Luna, wake up. My lids feel heavy but I have to know where I am and more importantly I have to save Lucas.

Very carefully I begin to open my eyes. Luckily the room I'm in isn't very bright so it doesn't take my eyes too long to adjust.

"Look who's finally awake." I hear someone sneer from somewhere in the room. "I was being to think you'd never wake up and that would have been a real shame." The voice starts to get louder, meaning that the person speaking is getting closer to me.

I will not sound scared. I'm no coward. These people will not intimidate me and I will find out what the fuck they want.

"Why would you care if I never awoke?" I ask with a strong voice. I can't let them think I'm scared, I have to be brave.

"On the contrary my dear it is vital that you are alive, for now at least." The person is now close enough for me to make out their figure in the shadows. It's a woman of average height and she seems to give off an aura of authority.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I spit.

"Where are your manners child? Did your mother teach you nothing? Oh that's right of course she didn't, she shipped you away so she'd never have to see you again," the woman cackled.

Ouch, that hit a nerve. Only I'm allowed to insult my parents horrible parenting methods. "And how is it that you know this about me?" I ask coyly.

"My dear I know so much about you. In fact I probably know more about you than you do."

"Care to elaborate?"

"We're getting a bit ahead of ourselves now aren't we. Let's save this discussion for later."

Damn, I almost had her.

"Bring him in," the woman snaps to someone behind her.

I can see someone being dragged before us. I can't make out who they are just yet, the room is too dark.

Then there eyes flash to mine and I instantly know who it is. Even in almost complete darkness I could recognise those eyes. Lucas.

"Lucas," I say "are you alright?"

"Luna? Why did you come here, you were safe before."

Before I can respond the woman silences us both by talking. "I hate to interrupt but I do not wish to hear your quarrel. I just want my darling Lucidus to see what's going to happen next."

"You're darling Lucidus?"

"He is my son dear, can't I address my own flesh and blood in such a way?"

Wait. That's Lucas's mother. Isn't his family trying to take over the realm. That's why they brought Lucas back. Oh shit.

Wait, where do I fit into all of this?

"Why am I here then? You wanted Lucas not me."

"You see this is where you're wrong dear. Yes we want Lucidus, he's our son after all, but we also wanted you. We need you, you're essential to our plan."

"How am I important to your plan. I'm just a normal teenage girl, no powers or anything."

She laughs, it sends shivers down my spine, her laugh is just so unnerving.

"My dear you're anything but normal. You're ordinary."

I give her a deadpan stare. "You do realise those are synonyms of one another right?"

"Ah I see the confusion. You're thinking of ordinary in the human sense of the word, not surprising since you grew up there. Have you even heard of the magical definition?"

I shake my head. "Your parents never told you. I thought they would have at least explained to you why they were going to abandon you."

"They abandoned me because I'm normal and powerless, I was an embarrassment to them." My voice cracks. Shit. I'm loosing my cool, I can't show emotions to her but my family is a touchy subject.

"No no no dear quite the opposite. They sent you away for your own safety. They knew what you were and wanted to protect you. Of course they tried to stop it first but even the Praecantatios can't change destiny. The only choice they had was to send you away, either that or let you be hunted for the rest of your life so I think you know which one they chose."

"Why would a powerless witch be hunted?"

"Because your not powerless, you're anything but. Do I have to spell this out for you? You're an ordinary the most powerful magical creature to ever live. In fact there's only been one known ordinary before you and that was a millennia ago."

What. This woman is off her rocker. She's mistaken. I'm not going to say anything though otherwise she might just kill me.

"Okay how does this help you with your plan. It's my power not yours and if you think I'd ever help you you've got another thing coming."

Again she laughs her vile laugh. "My dear we don't want your cooperation, you're a Praecantatio for goodness sakes, we want to take your power."

I gasp and so does Lucas. He's remained silent up until now. 

"You can't take power, that's impossible."

"That, my dear, is where you're wrong. This is why we went to the human world to begin with. To master the ability of stealing powers. It's dark magic that's almost impossible to perform. It was only rumoured to work and people have always been to scared to try. Of course there's a price to pay, preventing people from doing this in the past, but it's worth it. I am now able to steal people's power at will, including yours Luna dear."

She edges closer to me, raising her hands. "This will hurt a lot, to be honest there's a good chance that it will kill you." She then cackles and turns to face Lucas momentarily "Sorry to do this to your dimidum Lucidus,  it's such a shame it ended up being her."



Shit. What's going to happen and what are they going to do? Only time will tell...

Get ready for the next few chapters.

That's another one finished, I hope you liked it :)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

That's another one finished, I hope you liked it :)

Until next time, byeeeeeee.

Ordinary | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن