Chapter 36

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For a second her face holds an expression of surprise but that is quickly covered by one of contempt. "Good. Now let's try this again."

She places her hand in mine and we begin to chant. "vivifica illum. vivifica illum. vivifica illum. iunctis viribus vivifica illum. iunctis viribus vivifica illum. iunctis viribus vivifica illum. sol et luna vivifica illum. sol et luna vivifica illum. sol et luna vivifica illum."

We continue this for what seems like an eternity. This is fucking hopeless I knew it.

"St-" I begin to say but I'm cut off by a low breathing.

My head immediately snaps down to see Lucas's chest rising and falling ever so slightly.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and felt the weight of a house being taken off of my shoulders. That has to be the most relieved I've ever felt times a billion.

In worry of me loosing him again I resume my chanting. I keep on going with a new found confidence.

Maybe I'm not powerless after all. Why then would my parents send me away, surely they would've know if I possessed any magical abilities.

Unless what the hag said is true and they were just protecting me. Nah if that were the case they wouldn't have tried to turn me into one of those vile creatures and put me through excruciating pain intentionally.

I move the thought to the back of my mind and concentrate all of my attention on Lucas.

I continue until Stephanie stops and begins to get up.

"Where are you going?" I ask confused.

"It's done. He's alright. He's still horribly injured and will need treatment but I think you want to speak with him alone first. Don't worry, I'll be back in shortly." With that she gets up.

Before I turn my attention to Lucas I see a trail of bodies following behind her lifelessly out of the corner of my eye, I have to try to hold back the urge to laugh. It just seems ridiculous that she can make these bodies follow her to who knows where without a second glance, it's a pretty funny sight to behold, just imagine it.

Maybe one day I'll be able to do that. Wow, big dreams I know (if you didn't notice my sarcasm I give up). I wonder if I'll ever get to grips with my so called powers. Well they must exist because I doubt Stephanie could have done that on her own but as far as I know even two people shouldn't be able to bring someone back, I'll have to ask her about that later as well as get answers for everything else that's happened thus far.

Lucas stirs beneath me and all my attention is immediately back on him.

"Lucas," I breathe softly "everything's going to be okay." I doubt that that's true but the last thing you'd want to do is tell a person who's just come back from the dead that there's a chance that they might die again.

Still clutching Lucas's hand I begin to rub circles on them to soothe him.

After a few minutes his breathing intensifies to a normal rate. He's waking up, he actually might stand a chance.

Another few minutes pass and his eyes begin to flutter open. I can't help the massive smile that makes its way into my face. Words can't even begin to describe just how overjoyed I am right now.

"Luna?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It's me Lucas, I'm here."

His mouth begins to form a grin and even though he's weak it still manages to reach his eyes. I'll never understand how but his smiles have always comforted me even when I'm not the one in trouble, something about them just makes me feel safe and happy.

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