Chapter 4

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That's right my own parents thought I was too much of an abomination to keep and sent me away forever.

But before I was sent away they gave me one thing, a golden locket, this was so I would blend in better. How am I conspicuous? I actually look almost identical to any other human but there is one thing that's different about me, my eyes, they're purple (it's a family trait to have purple eyes and it's been in my family for centuries. This was the only reason my parents had to believe I wasn't switched at birth, yes, that thought crossed their mind more than once).

(Yes, I know some people do actually have violet eyes but it's so rare that I would definitely arouse suspicion.)

This locket looked like an ordinary necklace to the untrained eye, with pictures of my family inside (the only evidence I have to know that I didn't make this whole story up in my head and that the magical world does exist) but it was so much more. It gave me one power the power to change my appearance at will.

I didn't have complete control of it but with it I could change my eye colour, my hair colour and hair style. This was so I could  blend in and be able to do something if people ever found out who I was. I still don't know why what happened to me mattered to them. It's not like I'm magical and it's not like they cared about me.

If I was a proper witch with actual powers I would be able to alter my appearance completely, my eye shape, face shape, nose shape, you get the picture.

In the hand of a powerful witch this locket would mean you could take on a completely new identity if you ever needed to, an extremely useful thing.

This locket has been in our family for over a millennia, so why give it to someone you thought to be a burden and disgrace? I have no idea.

As long as you understood magic even a human could do what I can with this locket, which is only scraping the possible potential, further proof that I am ordinary and in no way special.

After I was given this locket, they explained what it was and how to use it. Next thing I knew I was in a foster home in London, England.

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