Chapter 37

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By the time I've finished spilling my guts out and refreshed my breath with some gum Lucas is nowhere to be found. He's probably gone in for examination and surgery, I hope that he's okay, I'm sure he will be.

Now is the time to finally get some answers. I'm done sitting around like a lost puppy, we have some time while we wait for Lucas and I'm getting answers from both Stephanie and Blaze. Unfortunately Blaze isn't here right now but that doesn't mean he's off the hook, it just means I'll have to wait a little longer.

I'd prefer it if they were both here to tell me what the hell is going on so I might wait. Fuck I don't want to, I need to know now.

"Steph," I say to my supposed best friend who is sitting next to me "I need answers."

She takes in a deep breath. "Luna are you sure that you're ready to hear all this. I'm going to tell you some important stuff and you've already had to take in so much, I don't know if you'll be able to handle it all."

At that I scoff "Stephanie I need to know what is going on regardless of what it does to me mentally. I'm finally beginning to process what I've been told thus far but I need the missing puzzle pieces for this to all make sense."

"So you're sure you want to hear this?" she ask hesitantly.


"Okay but first tell me what you already know so I know how to approach this."

I nod in understanding. "Alright. Gosh where do I begin."

I tell her everything. From me thinking that Blaze is by brother to Lucas and I being dimidums to being told that I'm an ordinary, whatever that means.

It takes me a good half hour to explain and when I'm done Stephanie stares at me for a moment before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Luna you're so strong and you've been through so much over the last few days and I couldn't be more proud of you."

I pull away awkwardly and give her a weird look. I'm so confused right now.

I clear my throat to try to pull her out of this strange moment.

"So mind telling where you fit into this and what you know?"

"Right, sorry," she says, snapping back into reality. "Let me tell you everything."

I wait patiently as she inhales a gulp of air.

"I'll start with the dimidums thing and get that out of the way. As far as I can tell you and Lucas are dimidums. There's not really much more for me to say on the matter. As you've told me you were already given a thorough explanation of them so there's no point on me repeating what you've already been told.

"I will, however, say this. Love is a strange and scary thing. Just because you're dimidums doesn't mean that your journey will be any different. Love is never easy. Any stable relationship is built on trust, which I'm sure you both have but it's more than that. It's being able to understand each other on a whole new level that no one else can. You need good communication and understanding or it won't work. Don't let your feelings cloud your judgement. Don't just presume things from context, ask before you act. I know you probably don't want relationship advice from me but trust me when I say that you'll need it. It's because of things like this that most fail, don't let yours be added to the list.

"Another thing that I'm not sure if you were curious about is how you're dimidums as you're both quite similar. It's true that dimidums are meant to be complete opposites but there are exceptions. You are already aware of the human one I'm sure, and your case is quite similar to this one. Yes you're both magical but Luna your circumstances are different. You grew up believing that you were as powerful as any human. Since you believed that you might as well be human you technically are classed as a human magical creature relationship ergo your dimidum can be someone similar to you."

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