Chapter 10

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^^This isn't what their uniforms actually look like but it was the best picture I could find of a busy school corridor where everyone was wearing uniforms, so just imagine it. Hope you're all enjoying the story!

The rest of the week passed and I still haven't seen Lucas.

Its Saturday and I'm tired of waiting so I'm going to ask Steph if she knows.

"Oh yeah Tyler told me about that. I'm so excited!" She says "If Lucas hasn't told you yet I'm sure he just wants to surprise you. Don't try and ruin it."

"I don't even know what this is all about though. Just give me a little clue. You know I hate surprises." I plead with her.

"Too bad, you'll find out very soon and when you do you'll know why I'm so happy." Stephanie exclaims.

Great. She's made up her mind and once she's done that there's nothing I can do to change it. I'll just have to wait it out.

The weekend was pretty uneventful. In fact I don't think anything worth mentioning happened.

I did wonder about Lucas's surprise but couldn't come up with anything. I hope I find out soon , it's driving me crazy not knowing.

FML! It's Monday again. My favourite day of the week. Urgh.

Steph and I decided to walk to school today. It's only about a twenty minute walk and the weather isn't that bad. I can actually see the sun which is weird as we are nearing the end of September.

Since we left early this morning by the time we arrive we still have about twenty minutes until class.

However I was not prepared for what I saw when we walked in. It was Tyler and Lucas. What the hell were they doing here.

"Tyler!" Steph exclaims excitedly as she runs to him and he gives her a sort of twirl in his arms. They give each other a peck on the lips at least the PDA isn't high key.

I walk over to Lucas and say "so this was your surprise? You're transferring here?"

"Yep" he replies "you excited to see me" as he says this the most cocky grin I have ever seen spreads across his face.

"You wish." I retort. "But how come you transferred?"

"Well Tyler and I share a flat and our lease ran out a week ago so we moved and ended up in the catchment area for this school. Ty was stoked, he seems to really like Stephanie."

"He better, she's my best friend. Warn him that if he hurts her I will hunt him to the very depths of hell and kill him myself." I threaten.

"Will do" Lucas says, gulping, a slight fear rising in his tone.

I give a small laugh. "So now I have to deal with you until I graduate?" I say with a mock tone of disgust.

"I have to deal with you too so don't act like you're the victim." He says in the same mocking tone. "Also since our best friends are dating we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other. Lucky for you you get a bonus out of this, getting to see this handsome face all the time."

"I think that will make my eyes bleed out" I say in a joking manner. "But let's be real, you're the lucky one, getting to spend time with me, the prettiest girl in school." I laugh indicating that I know that this isn't true.

"Yay" he says in a voice layered which multiple levels of sarcasm.

I stick my tongue out at him and start to walk to class, leaving Steph and Tyler to ogle at each other. 

"Wait!" He shouts "do you know where M4 is? I have maths there now."

Great. That's with me. This is going to be an eventful year. "Oh. That's my first lesson too, follow me good sir." I say in an attempt at an overly courteous voice. 

"Lead the way madam." Lucas says, imitating me, catching onto the joke.

Okay maybe he is tolerable, I can joke with him at least. Maybe he won't make this year a living hell, only time will tell.

I'm holding my tongue for you Steph, damn you owe me.

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