Private Chat

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So how long, Aryan?

I'm sorry, Tina

How long?

Three months.

How could you, I gave you everything

Tina, seriously. You don't have any place to overreact, have you ever wondered when did you become so overbearing? Ever since you got the wind that Karlie was going to be replacing you, you jabbered my ear off with your future. I get it, it was stressful. But you just forgot about me, Tina!

Forget about you, I NEVER forgot about you!

Oh really? You didn't even turn up for the Millenia gala. The one which was so important for me.

That was THE one time, Aryan!

The one time? After arguing with my boss for you to be featured in the Calvin Klein shoot, you didn't turn up. It was embarrassing.

I was with Balmain!

You know what, forget it. You're so about you all the fucking time, it's a wonder I managed to be with you for three years.

You don't mean that, Aryan please!

The sad part is, I actually do. I'm fucking serious.

Please no, Aryan.

Tina, I'm sorry. But I think we need to just go our separate ways.

You know what, fine! Go, just go!

Thank you. I hope you forgive me

I'd rather die. You fucking succeeded in breaking me, bastard.


It's pretty easy to know that I haven't experienced a breakup😂😂

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