Private Call

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Gia😉 is calling you

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What is Priya talking about, Anu?


Why did she tag Justin, then? Look, even if she is a bitch, her sources are pretty much on point.

You would believe her, over me?  Someone who's been there for you, all the time?

Anu, cut the crap please. I'll ask you this the first and last time - was there anything between you and Justin when we were dating?

I.. I'm sorry, Gia

She's telling the truth, then?

Justin and I.. we slept together at a house party.

Was I there?
Anu, was I there?



NO, NO! *sobbing* you weren't there. You were hanging out with Tina and Aryan at their house. I just bumped into Justin and we were both so drunk, pleasee!

Did you like him, before the party? Anu, stop sobbing, I need to know this. Please!

A little *hiccup* please Anu I knew my limits! He was yours, I never made a move on him till the party! I was too drunk-

So, an honest mistake from both?

Yes, yes! I'm so glad you unders-

Look, you could've told me this when I sat in front of you, sobbing. When Justin broke up with me, I thought something was wrong with ME! It was all you, all you. *mumbles*

I'm so so sorry, tell me what I can do, please Gia I don't want to lose you!


Hello, Gia?

Just.. I need some time to think. Can you give me some time?

Yes yes sure, please! Just please, don't leave me.

I don't know what to do, Ananya. I just don't know.

Gia😉 disconnected the call


I finally tried my hand at a call! I'm so happy, I've always wanted to try it out.
In a chat, it probably wouldn't have really supported human emotions like screaming, sobbing and the mumbling. I want to do most of the chapters in Social Media form and if I had done this chapter as a chat, I would've had to do an IRL chapter, which I'm obligated to write a 2000+ chapter, which takes a long time.

So, here you go!

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