Private Chat

486 26 13

*Time skip brought to you by Virat's sensational 113 against GL in IPL 2016*

Priya Patel

Virat Kohli
Oh God not you again, why are you behind my ass?!

Priya Patel
I have to tell you something.

Virat Kohli
No, Priya. I can't do anything, I'm sorry. Why don't you understand that I'm happy with Gia. Bhagwan, I want to marry her and have little Gia's and Virat's around. I want to grow old with her and live my life to the fullest with her. Priya, if you love me, even a little of what you claim, let me go.

Priya Patel
It appears that will be a little bit harder.

Virat Kohli
Why, Priya why?

Priya Patel
I'm pregnant.

Virat Kohli
So? Contact the father then!

Priya Patel
Why tf am I contacting you then?

Virat Kohli
Please don't say what I think you're going to say!
No, I didn't sleep with you, I clearly remember I came home alone that day!

Priya Patel
You're going to be a dad.

Virat Kohli
This wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to be Gia and I!

Priya Patel
I thought you'd be happy

Virat Kohli
I need time to think things through, I can't do this right now.
I'll call you later.

Priya Patel
Sure, the baby needs it's daddy.

Virat Kohli


So, yippee?!

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