Chapter Four

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Tyler's eyes were worried when Kane opened the door to his car. He didn't miss that, but he didn't acknowledge it either. Instead, he motioned for Tyler to get out.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"I'll drive," he replied.

Tyler nodded quickly. He got out of the car and walked around the back. Kane sunk into the driver's seat. He waited for Tyler's door to shut before he sped out of the parking lot, the tires screeching beneath them.

"What happened?" Tyler asked tentatively. Kane sped up. Tyler pulled at the seatbelt around his chest. "Something bad must have happened for you to be this upset."                                                                                    

Kane eased off on the gas. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Did Wyatt find his mate?" Tyler asked, his words slow and careful.

"Why would I care about that?" Kane spat out. He glanced over at Tyler, and the look in his eye surprised him. He knew instantly that he had been caught out. He sighed. "When did you find out?"

Tyler shrugged. "You really think that I didn't know? I'm Wyatt's best friend. I'm yours, too."

"He did find his mate tonight," Kane practically whispered, "and he's some omega. I haven't seen him before."

There was a long pause before Tyler spoke again. "You love him, don't you?" Tyler asked.

Kane turned his head and growled at Tyler. Tyler's eyes widened. Kane forced himself to calm down. "I'm sorry," he said, knowing that he had just scared his friend. Kane blinked fast. He took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to growl at you, Tyler."

Tyler nodded, but he didn't meet Kane's eyes. "It's, uh, It's okay."

Kane sighed. He hated the Beta in him sometimes. "I'm sorry, Tyler. I truly am. I didn't mean it."

Tyler nodded again, but this time he sent an understanding look in Kane's direction. He felt like a monster, he couldn't control his growling when he got upset. He tried to calm his mind.

"Where are we going?" Tyler asked in a small voice.

Kane had been driving them towards the woods. He had wanted to run free, in his wolf form, to clear his head. However, looking at Tyler's face changed his mind. "Let's go get hot chocolates," he said.

Tyler's eyes lit up. "I'd like that."

It was his friend's favourite thing to do, Tyler had quite the sweet tooth. Kane drove them to the diner just on the outskirts of their town. He pulled the car into the parking lot. He looked out at the empty spaces around them. "Shouldn't be much of a wait for the drinks," he said, motioning to the empty parking lot.

"Even better for us," Tyler replied.

They walked into the diner and were greeted by a white-haired woman. She straightened out her brightly coloured uniform as she led them to a booth. She promised their drinks wouldn't be long.

"Hot chocolate fixes everything," Tyler promised.

Kane reached for the sugar packets and tossed one around his hand as he spoke. "I don't know if it will fix this."

"Can I be brutally honest with you?" Tyler asked.

Kane nodded slowly. "If you must."

Tyler looked around them, as if making sure no one was listening in, but there was definitely no one around. "You love Wyatt now," he whispered across the table, "and it hurts now, but things will change once you meet your mate."

The Wrong Mate (BoyxBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt