Chapter Fifteen

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Kane was exhausted. The party had lasted for hours. The only thing that made it worth it was seeing how happy Nora had been. She had been in her element with those she loved around her. He had been lying on the couch since they had all left, he and Nora together on one and Jade and her little brother next to her. His parents had gone to bed hours ago, exhausted from the party just as Kane was.

He wasn't really paying attention to the movie Jade had turned on, instead his mind was on how he was going to tackle that night. He couldn't help but think back to his first time. His first time had been with Kai, after a few weeks of seeing each other. It had been desperate and passionate, with long kisses and the high of adrenaline coursing through their veins at the thought of his parents hearing them. It was rushed but it was incredible. Kane wanted Nora to look back on her first time with the same fondness. He wanted to give her that.

He glanced from the screen to his side, where Nora was lying against his side. Her hand was pressed to his chest and her eyes were on the screen. He placed his hand over hers. Her eyes flickered towards him and a small smile graced her lips.

"I really appreciate you coming here, Kane," she said softly. "Thank you."

Kane shook his head. "I've hardly done anything. You've been living in my house, right in the middle of all the crazy stuff going on in this pack. I should be thanking you."

Nora just smiled softly. "I'd do anything for you."

I don't deserve her, he thought. "There's another thing I really need to thank you for."

"What is it?" she asked.

"Deciding to move to my pack."

Nora pushed her elbow under herself so that she could look Kane in the eye. "You need to be there. You'll be running that place with Adam in no time."

Kane glanced around the room. "You have to leave this place. Your whole family and friends. That can't be easy for you."

Nora smiled sadly over at her cousins who were both still watching the movie. "I'm going to miss my family so much, but you are my family now."

Kane squeezed her hand. "I guess I just didn't ever think about what my mate would have to give up. I just knew that my place was in my pack and my mate would join me there, but today, seeing all of these people, it just showed me how much you really are giving up."

Nora shrugged. "It's not like I didn't know this was a possibility. I'm not upset about it. Together we can really make a difference in your pack. My pack will be okay here."

"You know, if you were upset about it, or anything else, you could tell me, right?"

Nora tilted her head. She glanced at Jade. That was where Kane saw his mistake. She knew that Jade had talked to him. Nora was silent. She took a small breath and nodded. "I know," she whispered and put her head back down on his shoulder.

Kane held back a sigh. He shouldn't have said that.

His phone started buzzing. Kane reached across Nora to pick it up. The second he saw Adam's name on the screen he realised that he hadn't replied to his last message. Kane excused himself and took the phone into the kitchen.

"Hey Adam," he said.

Adam sounded relieved. "Thank the Moon God's. I thought you were ignoring me."

"It's been a busy day, sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Adam told him. "I was such a jerk, I deserve to be ignored."

"You were right though," Kane admitted. He didn't want to admit that Adam had been right, but after his talk with Jade, he knew exactly how right Adam had really been. He sat down at the same bench stool he had been sitting at earlier in the day. "I didn't think about how my actions were hurting Nora, and now I know. Her cousin gave me a lecture today and I can't stop thinking about it."

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