Chapter Ten

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They both fell to the ground, an intangible force pushing them apart. A scream fell from both their lips. Kane clutched his head, the room spinning around him. He blinked until the room became clear, and he was faced with the image of Nora and Duncan standing in the doorway, fear in their eyes. Behind them stood people whose faces weren't clear yet.

Kane looked over at Wyatt and they shared a look that seemed to last a lifetime. He had never seen so much anger on Wyatt's face. In all the years they had been friends and the months they had been more, he had never seen Wyatt genuinely angry until this very moment.

"What did you do to him?!" Duncan screamed. He fell to the floor next to Wyatt and clutched his hands. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

Wyatt nodded. He slowly stood up with the help of Duncan. "I'm okay."

Kane still heard a ringing in his ears when Nora came and grabbed him by the hands. "Kane, oh my gosh, what happened?" she asked, genuine concern in her voice.

Kane ignored her and took his hands from hers. He stood and it took all his strength to stay upright for the first few seconds. Kane met Wyatt's eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I-" he tried to apologise again, but Duncan was already pulling Wyatt from the room.

Kane saw Adam who was standing in the doorway. He moved to let Duncan and Wyatt pass, but then he was in the room with them. His eyes were full of questions, but Kane couldn't answer them yet.

"Kane," Nora stood in front of him, "are you okay?"

He nodded, but no, he wasn't okay.

The three of them stood in the room in silence, more people in the doorway looking in. Kane didn't know what to do or what to say.

Adam stepped forwards. "Do you want me to drive you home?" he asked.

Kane sent him an appreciative look for that being the only question he asked. "I just need some air."

"Come on, I'll take you outside," Nora said. She put her hand on his arm.

Kane shrugged away from her. "I just need to be alone right now. I'll find you soon, okay?" He didn't wait for a response, instead he ran downstairs, pushing past the people who were all congregated on the stairs, wondering what all the fuss was about.

He caught a glimpse of Wyatt, hidden under Duncan's lanky arm, as he rushed them out the front door. He could see almost everyone whispering in small groups, their eyes on him. He felt his breath catch in his throat and he ran towards the sliding door to the patio. He pulled back the edge of the curtain that was blocking the door and dipped under it. He yanked the glass door open and closed it just as quickly behind him with a sigh.

The patio was like a different world, the glass blocking most of the music until only the slightest blur of sound escaped into the air. The dark curtain kept the eyes of those inside away, but the light was also blocked out. There was one light that hung above his head, it gave off enough light to see, however, his vison at night wasn't exactly compromised with or without the light.

He sighed, his back still pressed against the glass. The effects of whatever had overcome him had finally worn off and he was purely left with the bad feeling in his gut. He didn't know why he just did that. He wished that he hadn't. Did he mean what he said? Did he really love Wyatt?

"Why did I do that?" Kane muttered to himself.

"I'm not sure," a voice replied.

Kane sprung forwards his eyes searching for a person to match to the voice. He didn't have to look long, just to the side of him was a long bench seat, a boy sitting towards the end. He was wearing a lose grey shirt that looked a few sizes too big and tight dark pants.

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