Chapter Seven

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Kane heard the rustle of bedsheets. He turned from where he was sitting in the chair so that he could see her. Nora, his mate, was just waking up. She stretched her arms up towards the headboard and made a yawning noise, her eyes pointed at the celling.

"Welcome to your first day in Burlington," he told her.

Nora seemed startled by his presence for a moment, her eyes widening. She rolled so that she was facing him, the light from the window made her eyes shine. "Good morning Kane, I hope that you slept."

Kane shrugged.

"I'll take that as a no?"

Kane shrugged again. "I have a lot on my mind," he muttered in explanation.

Nora sat on the edge of the bed, her legs swinging down from under the sheets. She motioned for him to join her. He sat next to her and she instantly threaded her fingers between his. Her hand was warm. "Let's take it day by day, hey?"

Kane nodded. He wondered what other people did on their first day after meeting. He decided that introducing her to the family would be the next logical step, considering she was going to be in their lives too. "You don't have to, but do you want to meet my parents today?"

Nora's eyes lit up. "Yes. I would love that."

Kane smiled softly. "My parents are going to love you."

"Are they expecting me?" Nora asked. Her eyes held a deeper meaning to her words, but Kane didn't understand what it was.

Kane shook his head. "I haven't told them about you yet."

"I meant," Nora clarified with careful words, "are they expecting a girl?"

"Oh," Kane finally understood what she was saying, "no they aren't."

Nora's expression changed. She suddenly looked distant, almost as if the curtains on the other side of the room were the only thing able to hold her attention. "Oh."

"Are you okay?" Kane asked. "I can let them know you're coming, so they are prepared."

Nora let go of his hand gently. His fingers suddenly felt cold.

"I didn't mean to upset you," Kane whispered. Yet again, he felt like a failure as a mate.

Nora slowly walked over towards the window that faced the backyard. She took a few moments before speaking. "It's not your fault."

Kane stood, but didn't make a move towards her. Something held him back. "It is."

Nora turned. Kane didn't expect to see the shine in her eyes. "It's really not."

"You're crying."

Nora tried to smile, but it just looked sad.

"Nora, why are you so upset?"

Nora smiled again, but it came out strange. "It's so stupid."

Kane took a step towards her. "If it's upsetting you then it's not stupid."

Nora shrugged. "I've dreamt of this so many ways. I used to sit in class and daydream about meeting you." Nora faced the window again. Kane wondered if she couldn't say it to his face. "Well, not you per se, but my mate with a blurry face. I made up so many scenarios in my head of how we would meet. We would see each other across the dance floor and run to each other, or maybe I would be walking down the street and you would stop your car and run across the road towards me. However, we met in a diner after I crashed into your friend's car, and then you ran from me." Kane placed his hand on her back. Nora took a deep breath. "I never imagined, not in a single one of those scenarios, that you would run away from me."

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