Chapter Twelve

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Kane stepped towards the door, confidence in his movements. He felt an overwhelming sense of purpose. He noticed instantly that Adam was not following him. He turned. "What's wrong?"

"I have to tell Violet where I'm going," Adam said as if Kane should have read his mind, and perhaps he should have.

Kane, once again, cursed his one-track mind for forgetting about Nora so easily. She would go crazy if he just ran out into the likely rouge infested streets without even a goodbye or explanation. He tried to make excuses for why he hadn't leant a thought to her. Perhaps it was the stress of the situation or perchance he knew that she would be safe either way. Those, nonetheless, were just excuses. In all honestly, he didn't understand how his mate seemed to slip his mind when his world was supposed to revolve around her.

He followed Adam, leaving an invisible trail of confusion in his wake. Nora and Violet were standing together against the wall, quiet words being exchanged. They both turned as they walked into the room.

"You're going out there, aren't you?" Violet asked. She was scared. Adam nodded. He wrapped her in a hug and for a moment, when both of their eyes were closed, Kane wondered if they were somehow speaking telepathically. Violet's expression was different when she stepped back. Kane thought he would hear pain in her voice, but instead it was pride. "Go protect the pack. I'll look after everyone here. Don't worry about us."

"Thank you," Adam whispered.

Kane was in awe, but he shouldn't have been. Those two, like so many of the mates he knew, just knew exactly what the other needed. Adam needed her to be strong, so that he could go save the pack and not be worrying about his mate back here. Violet needed strength, and their bond gave her just that. They were perfect together. They fit like a glove, and why did that spark a tiny flicker of anger in the back of Kane's mind?

"Do you have to go, Kane?" he heard Nora whisper.

Kane looked over at her. She was standing there with her hands linked, her fingers dancing in front of her. Those big eyes of hers were watery and she was blinking back a waterfall. He wanted to help her, but he didn't know what she needed. He didn't know what to say that would make her feel empowered or safe, or anything in between. He wondered if she needed love. In that moment, when she was scared and felt alone, she probably needed to know that she was loved, right? But was she? Kane didn't like thinking about that. She was liked, but that wasn't the same thing. Would it be enough?

"Yes," he said. Kane stepped closer and kept her gaze. "I will be back soon. I promise."

Nora shook her head. "You don't know that."

Kane glanced at Adam, but he was speaking with Violet. Kane looked at his mate and watched as a single tear ran down her cheek. "I know what I'm doing, Nora. You'll be safe here. I have to go protect the pack."

Nora nodded hesitantly. "Just come back, please."

Kane kissed her. It was their first kiss. It was quick and sudden. Their lips pressed together and Kane felt the sparks of their bond through their touch. He could feel the mate bond so much clearer through the kiss, almost like some of those crossed wires were able to cross back just for the moment. In that half of a second, everything seemed okay. When he leant back, he saw that Nora felt the same. There weren't tears in her eyes anymore, now there was happiness.

Nora was happy. His action had made her happy. He gave himself a metaphorical pat on the back. He had finally been able to give her what she needed. Perhaps their bond wasn't as broken as he had believed.

"I'm coming with you."

Kane spun around, facing the person who spoke. It was Mason who stood there, standing tall with his chin high.

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