Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You really did hang it up," Mason murmured.

Kane quietly shut the door behind them. He followed Mason's eyes to the painting which hung over his desk. "Of course, I did."

Mason's expression was hard to read. He nodded slightly before shaking off his jacket and throwing it over the edge of Kane's desk chair. Mason then walked over to the bed and took a seat on the edge. He nodded towards the pillows. "Interesting design choices you've made," he said with a slight smirk.

Kane glanced around his newly decorated room. It didn't even feel like his anymore. His bedspread had been replaced with a geometric pattern alternating between bright blues and dark greens. Pillows lined the top of his bed, in all colours, shapes and sizes. The lamp that Nora claimed would go with the painting really did compliment it, but it still didn't look right. The whole room looked off to him and he just couldn't place why.

"I just have a deeply rooted passion for throw pillows," Kane joked. He picked one up from the bed and tossed it at him. "Don't hate on my impeccable style."

Mason threw the pillow back at him and laughed. "Alright, I concede, you are a master decorator."

Kane sat down next to Mason and crossed his legs in front of him. The sudden silence between them seemed to make the mood heavier. Kane took a deep breath. There was so much he wanted to say, but instead he just looked at Mason. He watched the way his eyes seemed to shine as he looked at him. He noticed the way the blonde of his hair glowed under the low light. He wanted to reach out between them and offer his hand, but he knew that he couldn't. His fingers curled up into his palms at the frustration of it all.

"I want to tell you something," Mason whispered. He cast his eyes down at his hands.

Kane straightened his back. "What is it?" Kane thought of Adam's words. He's had a crush on you since day one. He wondered if this was the moment that Mason told him how he really felt. The anxiety of it all came crushing down on Kane and he felt his heart beat quicken. He caught his breath. "Tell me."

Mason shook his head. "It's silly."

Kane reached out and let his hand rest on Mason's knee. "It's not silly."

"Promise me that you won't be mad at her."

Kane was confused. He wasn't talking about them. His secret was about someone else, about a girl. Kane tried to keep the disappointment off of his face. It was only then that he realised how excited he had been. He felt his heart drop. Then, he wondered what this secret really was. "Did something happen when I was gone?" Kane asked.

Mason nodded slowly. "Nora, she, uh." He seemed to stop there, unsure if he should continue.

Kane motioned for him to go on.

Mason took a deep breath before he spoke. "Nora told me to stay away from you. She and Tyler were taking shots and I walked past them. She came up to me and said that I was distracting you from your duties as a Beta and a mate. She told me..." Mason trailed off.

It was then that Kane noticed the glassiness to Mason's eyes. He felt his breath catch in his throat. "What did she say?"

Mason shook his head. "It's stupid. She was drinking. She didn't mean it."

"What did she say?" Kane asked him. He couldn't stop looking at the tears forming in Mason's eyes.

Mason hopped up from the bed in one swift motion. Kane's hand fell to the bed. "She told me that you shouldn't be hanging out with me because I was a worthless omega."

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