Chapter Forty

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Kane's mind was solely on Nora as the cars travelled through the woods. Owen drove their car, following behind the others. Kane wished that he would drive faster. The address had led them up into the mountains. Kane's eyes watched the woods with a careful gaze, sure that if they were spotted their plan was ruined. He was thankful for the thick cover of bushes and trees that hid the road. The drive felt like it was never ending. Kane just wanted to get there. His mind had been running over scenarios all night and he was about to see which one of them was to be true. He hoped that they would find Nora safe. The bond begged him to find her, to hold her in his arms.

He felt through the bond, reaching out and sensing Nora. They were close, he could feel the mate bond strengthening the closer they got. It was a relief. She was there and she was alive. She was close. He hoped that Nora was noticing that he was closer as well.

The cars stopped. Kane looked around, only trees still surrounding them.

"The cabin is up ahead," Owen told them. He turned off the car. "We will walk from here."

Kane stepped out of the car. He watched as the fighters around him all transformed, their bodies turning into wolves before his eyes. He felt more confident, seeing them in their wolf forms. They were big and strong. Eve's pack really did have a good force of fighters.

Eve approached him. "You have to tell us where she is in the house. That's your job. You aren't going to be involved in the fighting."

Kane didn't like the sound of that. The thought of fighting against the monsters who took Nora was keeping him from going crazy. In all of the scenarios in his mind, there wasn't a single one where he avoided the fight. He didn't want to stand back. He wanted to protect her. He was sure that the bond had a lot to do with it. He couldn't stand by while his mate was in danger. Pointing to a room wasn't exactly important to someone whose mate's life hung in the balance. "I've been trained. When it comes to fighting, I know what I'm doing. I won't stand on the sidelines."

Eve looked conflicted. She thought for a moment before saying, "You have a more important job than fighting, no matter how good you think you are. Trust me, our fighters have a real plan. They know what they are doing."

With her words, Kane realised he was doing exactly what Mason had that morning. He needed to think of the bigger picture, he needed to take his own advice. "You're right," he agreed after a few seconds. "I'm sorry, I just think about Nora in trouble and I just want to do everything I can."

Eve nodded in understanding. "You're going to stay behind us and when we ask, you need to point to where she is."

Kane nodded. "Okay."

Without a word, she threw her own clothes to the ground and transformed. Her dark skin shifted over her bones until a wolf appeared where she had stood. Kane transformed as well. He followed Eve as the wolves around him split up to surround the property. They weaved their way through the trees until there was a cabin in view. It was two stories high, made of dark wood. The cabin was run down, with a few broken windows and dead flowers sitting in what was once a small garden. The cabin backed onto a small lake. Kane could see the edges of the lake sitting out on each side of the cabin.

He spotted a few men standing to the side of the house. He felt his breath quicken. He tried to find Nora, sensing her through the bond. She was close, he could tell that much. Eve looked to him before glancing at the cabin. Kane nodded. Nora was in there.

Kane didn't know how they were going to cross the open space between them and cabin without being seen. He waited, watching the cabin for any other signs of people. In the corner of his eye he saw wolves moving towards the cabin. They were Eve's fighters. They were quick, making their way towards the men. In an instant the men were pushed to the ground, rendered immobile under the weight of the heavy wolves. Kane saw Owen's wolf edge out from the trees, followed by his group of fighters. Eve motioned for him to follow as their group did the same.

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