Chapter Thirty-Four

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Kane adjusted the pillows on the bed before gently sliding under its sheets. They were silky soft against his skin. Mason rolled over to face him. 

Kane reached over and pushed his hair back from his eyes. He stared into Mason's grey eyes, they were so beautiful. He couldn't imagine how anyone would want to hurt him. "I love you."

"Are you just going to say that all the time now?" Mason asked with a smirk.

"Yes," Kane said with certainty. 

"I like it," Mason told him. Mason seemed to look over him for a few moments. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Kane rolled his eyes. "Aren't I the one who should be asking you?"

Mason shrugged. "I'll be fine, you seem weird, what's up?"

Kane sat up in the bed. He pressed his back against the headboard. He knew what he had to do, but it scared him. He didn't want to give Mason more reasons to worry, they had enough on their plates, but they were mates and he couldn't keep secrets from him. "I do need to tell you something, but I need you to promise me that you won't freak out."

Mason's expression turned worried. He sat up slowly and faced Kane. "Whatever it is, I won't freak out," he promised.

Kane took a deep breath. "Those rogues might know what pack you're from."

Mason's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"I've seen that guy before," Kane admitted. "He was there when those rogues came to find you that day. Adam and I saw him lurking around a house and he saw us too. He might have not recognised me, but there's a chance that he did. If he remembered me, then he knows what pack we are from."

Kane breathed out a sigh of relief. He had hated keeping that from Mason. He waited for Mason's response. Mason nodded slowly at the words. He seemed to be thinking about it. Kane couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"I need to tell the pack that they might be coming back, in case," Kane explained, "but if I do that then they will want to know how I know that. They will ask what it is that they had been looking for."

Mason nodded. "You need to tell them."

"What do I tell them?" Kane asked.

"The truth," Mason said. He sighed. "Tell them that they were searching for me and they might know what pack we are from. We don't have to tell them the details about the fight or anything, but I couldn't live with myself if the pack was attacked and they weren't prepared because of me." Mason's eyes were teary when he spoke, "I can't be the cause of any more deaths, Kane, I won't."

Kane pulled him to his chest, wrapping his arms around Mason. "That won't happen. I won't let that happen."

"I told you from the start that I was a danger to the pack," Mason whispered into his chest, "They might not want me back once they know the truth."

Kane rubbed his hand up and down Mason's back. "You're my mate," Kane told him, "They will accept you no matter what. You're just as a part of the pack as the rest of us. You know that our friends will back us up."

Mason nodded. "I do know that. You have a good group of people around you, Kane."

"They are your people too," Kane told him.

"You should call the pack," Mason said.

Kane pressed his nose to Mason's hair for a second before letting go. He reached over and found his phone. He found his father's number and called it.

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