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Arthit feel de ja vu when he and the gangs run at the hospital. It same like his cousin's incident. But now, it is Aim. Earth's boyfriend.
They found Earth in front of ICU. Pacing back and forth. Bright and Rome just sit silently.

"Ai Earth!"

Earth immediately went to the gangs and hug Arthit. Arthit pat his back to comfort him.

"Everything will be fine, friend"
"I knew it. But i still worried"
"Can you tell us what really happen, Ai Earth?"

Again, Earth explain all to his friends. Not long after that, the doctor come out. Earth rushed to him.

"How Aim now, doct?"
"Nothing to be worried. Just little blood lost and we already stitch his wound. You can visit him after we move him in ward"

15 minutes later, they found themself surrounding Aim's bed. Check on his well being. Feel so relief when their friend is fine. Earth flopped down at the chair next to bed, holding his boyfriend's hand gently, stroking his knucles. Minutes later, a knock startled them, it is the girls. May, Maprang and Praepaelin. Earth's facial darkned. Act fast, Bright hold Earth in death grip, fearing his friend will doing something stupid.

"Hushh Ai Earth. Calm down"

Earth glaring dagger at the girls. Actually, to the shorter haired girl, May.

"Ai Earth, calm down, okay? Nong Aim is fine. He will be fine and be with you again really soon. He will wake up. Husshh now"

Earth breathing in rage. Still glaring at May. The said girl can only look down at the floor. In the edge of tears.

"What are you doing here?"

Earth's voice really scare her.

"I'm sorry. I don't know that Ai Aim will jump on me to save me"
"And where are your eyes? Can't you see that there is a car. And you carelessly crossing the road. Ah, maybe because you saw Aim there, so you jump and hope Aim will rescue you"
"Not that, P'. I really don't know that there is a car when i cross the road"

Earth gritted his teeth.

"Nong May, listen to me. Don't ever dare to come to Aim anymore. He is no longer yours. Aim is mine. It is you who dumped him, say that you love Kongpop, and then leave him. He is hurt and i'm there to heal him. Slowly, i own his heart. And now, you come to Aim after Kongpop reject you? Keep your dream"
"P'Earth, i-"

Earth widen his eyes and rushing to his boyfriend's side. Holding his hand tightly.

"Aim...babe....do you hear me, love"

Slowly, Aim open his eyes. Blinking several time when the light hit him.

"I will call the doctor"

Toota rushed to find the doctor.

"P'Earth, where i am?"
"Hospital. Are you hurt somewhere? Tell me. Ai Toota will get the doctor soon"

Smile and shakes his head, Aim hold Earth's hand tightly.

"Sorry for make you worry"

Earth kiss his boyfriend's forehead softly. The door opened by Toota with the doctor behind him.
After do some check up, Earth ask the doctor.

"How Aim now?"
"He is fine now. But he had to stay here for tonight. We can release him tomorrow"

The occupants in the room sigh in relief. They bid the doctor goodbye.

Earth kiss his boyfriend's palm softly.

"You nearly gave me heart attack, babe. Don't do that again, please. I don't know what will happen to me if you leave me alone. I love you, Aim. I love you"
"I love you too, P'Earth. Well, how May?"

Annoyed, Earth throw his glance toward the said girl. Aim followed. He smile.

"I'm glad you are fine. Don't carelessly crossing road again, okay?"

May look up at Aim. Nodding her head. And her face full with sadness when Aim turn back his attention to Earth to ask a question.

"Can we go to Rayong someday?"

Earth raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, but you have to recover first. We will have fiveple date with others. Or sixple date if Ai Toot got his lover soon"

May slowly grab her 2 friends who stay silent in whole time and exit the room without bid goodbye to the gangs. Earth notice it but he keep his silent and continue to talk with the gangs. The door opened by panting Prem, Wad behind him.

"Ai Prem, Nong Wad"
"Ai Earth, we cannot find the car identity"
"We already check on the security cameras at the campus, but it turn on zero. When we check on the car's number, we cannot see it"
"It because the car is rather new. We will try to find the culprit. Wad said it is probably the same culprit"

Prem slumped down at the couch after shooed Knott and Tew, pulling his boyfriend to sit on his laps.

"P'Bright, you and Rome are there, right? Do you know anything?"

Bright recall his memory few hours ago.

"From the sound of it engine, i think it is BMW X6"
"Should we check all BMW X6 at this campus?"
"Isn't it too much? I mean, look at this campus. It is........huge. Gigantic"
"Any other clue, P'?"

Rome pull Wad's sleves to get his attention.

"The window......It is black. Also, there is something weird at the back of the car"
"What it is, Rome?"
"It is........."

Shyly, Rome whispering to Wad's ear. Wad widen his eyes and then stand up.

"Let's just find it at our faculty"
"Engineering Faculty?"

Nodding his head, a smirk plastered on his lips. The others just look at him confusedly.

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