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The 1st year students shifted uncomfortable. The cheering room had dark aura around it. And by the look at the head hazer's face, they knew, they were in trouble.

Kongpop knew that the juniors are scared right now. His mood really down since morning. The main reason is Arthit. His boyfriend can't be found anywhere at campus after "let's find the culprit's car" activity this morning. From edge of his eyes, he saw Wad balling his fist and gritted his teeth. All his friends feel angry and annoyed at same time. He can feel it.


The gangs meet up at the gate of Engineering Faculty. All present, except for Earth and Aim. Both still at hospital.

"Listen, all we have to do is find black BMW X6, black window, and the important is, as Rome said, it have Engineering gear symbol at the window on the back of car. It is big symbol"
"Rome, why you didn't tell me before?"
"Sorry, P'Bright"
"Aiiihh.....this kitten~"
"We meet up at the canteen after this. Let's go"

They run at different route. The main destination is car park.

An hour later, they all meet at the canteen.

"Nowhere to be found, Nong Wad"

The others have same result. The car can't be found anywhere. Bright grab the water bottle in front of him and take some gulp before speaking.

"I thing this person is smart enough to not to use the same car to campus. Knowing we will looking for it"
"Ai Bright is right. The culprit must be use another car or grab a cab to go to campus"

End of flashback

That is the second reason his mood dropped. The third reason is 1000 senior's signature.

"Freshman! Today is the day you must report the result of 1000 senior's signature. But after we checked, no one was able to complete it!"

The 1st year have their head down. Damn. They are scared of Kongpop.

"And the thing that make me feel annoyed toward all of you is most of you, all of you make u-turn after you saw me and P'Arthit. Not even dare to approach us, when you brave enough to get other hazer team's signature"

The head hazer let out deep sigh.

"Are we, me and P'Arthit, not your seniors? Are we not deserve to be called a seniors by you? Is it because both of us are head hazer so you scared to approach us?"

Kongpop calm himself down before he talk more gentle than before.

"Listen to me Nongs. We are head hazer, that's right, but we are also a human, like all of you. Why must be scared of us? We are not God. I will let this one slip. I'm too tired to yell at you. The activity is dissmis for today. Go back to your home or dorm"

One by one, the students get out of the room. Pull out his phone, Kongpop follow the students act. Outside the room, Kongpop dial his boyfriend's number.

"Ai Oon, meet me at behind the cheering room building now"

When he turn back, he surprised by Maya who standing unmoving.

"Nong, what are you doing here? Why didn't back home?"
"Sawadee krub, P'. I was about to back home now and see you standing here i just want to greet you"
"Oh, alright then. Be save when you back home, Nong"
"I will, P'. P'Kongpop, are you free this saturday?"
"I'm sorry, Nong. But i have appoinment at that day. Do you need me for something?"
"Ah, no, P'. It is nothing important"

Kongpop then saw his friends get out from the room.

"Guys, i need to go"

Wad look at him questioningly.

"Re-charge my battery. I will call you later, Wad"

Understand the meaning behind it, Wad and others leave him. Kongpop then turn his attention back to Maya. His phone suddenly ringing. Smiling, he answer the call.

"I'm going now. Wait awhile okay. Love you"

He gave a smile to Maya while pocketing his phone again.

"I need to go now, Nong"

Without waiting her reply, Kongpop run to the direction Arthit was waiting for him. But what Kongpop didn't know is Maya follow him behind.

Arthit pocketing his phone back. From the voice he heard just now, he knew that his boyfriend is annoyed, bad mood. Sigh, he walk to the said building. And after waiting for 5 minutes, Kongpop can be seen running to him and then hug him tightly.

"Where have you been? You suddenly vanished from my sight this morning"

Patting the younger male's back gently, Arthit explain his dissappear to his boyfriend.

"I need to check on Tia at hospital since Boom have to attend the class"
"Why didn't tell me? I can go with you"
"You have hazing activity"

Sigh in defeat, Kongpop kiss Arthit's forehead softly.

"Next time please tell me before you go somewhere, okay? I will drive you there"

Smile warmly, Kongpop lean down to catch Arthit's lips and connect it with his in sweet kiss.

"I miss you, Oon"

Kongpop wound his arm around the older male's waist tightly as he deepen the kiss. He growling when his ears catch Arthit's soft moans. His lips travel down to Arthit's neck.

"K-kong...we are...s-still in....campus... AAHHH!!"

Arthit cried in pleasure when Kongpop give him deep suck in his neck and he is 100% sure his boyfriend marked him. Damn. He got another hickey when the other one still not to be vanished soon.

Kongpop kiss him again, but this time a bit rough as he shoved to the wall. Defeated, Arthit following his boyfriend's act. Follow his instinct, he grab the younger male's hair.

After heated make out, Arthit rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. Their breath still heavy. Smile, Kongpop hug him tightly, let the older male lean onto him more.

"I love you, Oon. Always love you more and more each day"
"Cheeky bastard. Actually, what is in your head? We are still in campus and what if someone see us?"

Kongpop raised an eyebrow.

"Oon, what is the problem? They all knew about us"

Arthit blushed and opted to his his face on Kongpop's shoulder.

"I love you too"

Maya gritted her teeth. She followed Kongpop and surprised that Arthit also there. Balled her fist when she witnessed the couple make out.

"So, Ai Oon is P'Arthit. P'Kongpop lover is P'Arthit. That mean he is P'Kongpop fiance. It can't be. P'Kongpop can't be with him. P'Kongpop had to be mine"

SOTUS - Story Of True love between USTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon