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Kongpop run and run. He is confused. All he remember is he is sleep with Arthit in his arm. But now, why he is here? He stop running. Look around, all he can see is white.

"Where am i?"

Sighing, he walk slowly, hoping to find some clue. And flopped down when he found nothing.

"What happen? Why i'm here?"

Shakes his head, look around once more, and find Arthit walk away from him.


Quickly, he run to his boyfriend.


He blinking. Arthit didn't hear him.


He run more. Try to catch Arthit while keep calling his boyfriend's name.


He screamed on the top op his lungs but Arthit didn't budge. Arthit even walked faster and more and more far away from Kongpop to reach.

Kongpop widen his eyes. Even he run faster, he still can't catch Arthit. Suddenly, chill run down his spin. He stop and watching Arthit vanished.

"What is this? What happen?"

Tears run down his cheeks. His body shake violently. Fall on his knee.

"No.... This can't be happen. No. Oon. Oon. OOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!!!!"

Kongpop jolted awake. He blinked. That is the worst nightmare he had this far. Loosing Arthit, is never been in his list. Ever. He look at the person beside him. His eyes soften when he saw his love life calm feature when he sleep. Snuggle at him. Arthit looks like an angel. Slowly and gently, he drew Arthit's body closer. Warp him securely in his arms.

The nightmare really scare him to death. Kissing Arthit's forehead softly deeply, his tears fall down.

"Don't leave me alone, Oon. I can't life without you. You are my life itself, Oon. Don't go. Don't"

Kongpop burrying his face on Arthit's hair as he let out soft sob. Tighten his hug on Arthit's body. Hoping that the nightmare be only a nightmare.

Morning come too fast for Kongpop. He awaken by a noisy sound in the room.


He saw Arthit already awake and ready with his maroon uniform.

"Aww... Did i wake you up? Sorry. Ai Prem just called and said we have morning class. I totally forgot. I have to go now, Kong. I'll meet you at lunch time. I love you, Kong"

Before Kongpop can say something, Arthit gave his boyfriend quick peck on the lips and then leave him there.

Kongpop sigh. How many sigh he let out today? A vibration from the desk pull out Kongpop from his thought. Walking to the desk, he found Arthit's phone there. Idiot Bright. Writen in the phone. He decided to answer his call.

"Krub, P'Bright?"
"Aww...Kongpop? Where is your wife?"
"He just leave, P'. He said that you all had morning class today. And he forgot his phone"
"Ah, okay. Bye, Kongpop"
"Krub, P'"

Put down the phone, Kongpop decided that he will return the phone to his boyfriend at lunch time. He then do his morning routine before leave the room to go to class.

Kongpop shifted uncomfortably at his seat. The class still have 30 minutes to end. Aim nudged his arm.

"Ai Kong, you okay?"
"I'm fine. Just...... I don't know. I never this worried before. I can't stop to worry P'Arthit. I feel.... I don't know, Ai Aim. It is complicated"
"Calm down. Everything will be fine"
"I hope so. I hope so"

Kongpop drew his attention to the window. He really can't focus with the lecture.

'Oon, be save'

Lunch time, Kongpop and his gangs entering the canteen. Try to find their 5th year's boyfriends. The seniors, hundled together in their usual spot.

"Sawadee krub, P'"

They wai and then walk to their own boyfriend's side. Kongpop raised an eyebrow when he can't spot Arthit.

"P' krub, where is P'Arthit?"
"Oh, Ai Arthit said that he want to meet the dean first before join us here"

Kongpop then take a seat beside Knott.

"But, isn't it too long? It's almost an hour since he left"

Checking his phone, Knott agreed with Prem.

"Did he got problem?"
"Let's go find him"

Suddenly, Yatch, 4th year, approach them. He wai to the seniors and Kongpop's gangs wai him.

"Nong Kongpop?"
"Krub, P'?"
"Can i ask you one thing?"
"Krub, P'"
"Did you and P'Arthit broke up?"

Kongpop widen his eyes, Bright split his orange juice on Toota's face, Prem chocked, Earth loosen his grip on his spoon, Knott shakes his head watching his friend's reaction.

"That is something impossible happen to them!" - Earth
"The world is ending if they broke up!" - Prem
"They planning to get married soon!" - Bright got slapped on head by Prem and Knott "HEY!!!"
"They are the perfect couple in our faculty!" - Toota
"How can you say that, Nong? As far as i know, they are fine until now" - Knott

Yatch look at Knott's serious face. He gulped.

"P'Knott, beside Tia, did P'Arthit have another family who attended this university and at 1st year?"

Knott look at his best friends. All shakes their head.

"As far as i know and remember, it is only Tia who study here. Ai Arthit's other cousins are attending other university. Why Nong?"
"P'Knott, i saw P'Arthit and a girl, i think she is 1st year, entering a car. P'Arthit looks like he is drunk"

The other frozen in their spot. It is Wad who break the silent.

"What car, P'?"
"Black BMW X6"

Without word, Kongpop sprinted to the car park. Ignoring his friends call. Knott act fast and order his friends.

"Ai Earth, Aim, get Kongpop back here. If can't, go with him. Hurry!!"

Earth and Aim quickly follow Kongpop.

"Pal, get your car and get our Arthit back to us. And please, call when you found them. Go! Now!"

The gangs quickly get to their cars. And scattered to different route. And leave Yatch dumbfounded.

"What just happenned?"

With Prem and Wad

"I knew it, P'. It is her"
"Calm down, babe. We will get our Arthit back to us"

With Knott and Tew

"Sshhhh..... Everything will be fine"

With Bright, Rome, and Toota

"Ai Bright"
"I knew it, Ai Toot. I knew it. Rome"
"I saw her get off that car this morning"
"That's more than enough"

With Kongpop, Earth, and Aim

"Ai Kong"
"Shut up, Aim!"

Aim look at his boyfriend. Earth just shakes his head and hold Aim's hand tightly.

The gangs in 4 cars had same hope and wish.

'Wait for us, Arthit'

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