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Still Flashback (LOL)

A month had passed since that night, since they knew about Maya's dead. The gangs feel relief but also feel worried. Didn't Arthit and Maya falling down together? But how could they only found Maya's body. Where is Arthit? They still can't get it. It's looks like Arthit dissappeared from the earth.

Right now, they having dinner together after the hectic study. The 5th year is doing their internship as their ticket to graduation. While the 3rd year is busy with study and project. Their life turn back into normal, before that Maya's incident happened.

"I still hoped that P'Arthit is alive out there"
"We hope so, Aim"


"So, how about your internship, P's"
"It went well this far. We manage it well. But still, it is weird without Ai Arthit"
"How about Kongpop?"
"Still same. But we don't want to loose hope, right? His old doctor is replaced by new one. His Mae said that the doctor will come tonight"
"Wanna go there?"
"How about tomorrow?"
"Ok, it is set then"

Opened the door at Kongpop's ward, the gangs jawsdropped. Their friend, finally awake. Thats good. But he is hugging someone. And he is definitely not Arthit. They can see Kongpop's knuckle almost turn white. He clutched the person's white coat tightly at the back.

"P'Arthit..... P'Arthit...."

They heard Kongpop only chant Arthit's name over and over. Sobbing at the stranger's shoulder.

"Sshhh.... Calm down na, my dear"

Kongpop really broken.

And finally, the stranger notice the gangs arrival. Release the hug and turn back to face the gangs only to found himself back into Kongpop's arm. He sighed. He understand. Kongpop must be got panic attack and thinking that he will leave him. Smile, patting and caressing Kongpop's hair, slowly he untagle himself from Kongpop's death grip. Gently, he intertwinning their hand. Give a light squeeze to reasure Kongpop that he won't leave. Slowly, the broken guy calm down. He relaxed himself.

"Hello there, Nongs. I believe i don't know who are you all and what are you doing here. But i believe that you are must be Kong's friends. Sorry if sound rude"
"That should be our question. Who are you?"
"Toey. Toey Sittiwat. I will be in charge of Kongpop from now on. Nice to meet you"

Thats the first time they meet Toey.

Flashback End

The gangs remember clearly. Kongpop was too clingy with Toey. Also, at the 5th year Graduation Ceremony 2 years ago, Kongpop came to congratulated the seniors with Toey tailing behind him. It is a rare time to see Kongpop without Toey. Each time they hang out together, Kongpop will always bring Toey with him.

When they start to thinking that both of them are secretly dating, they quickly brush it away. They knew that Kongpop is madly in love with Arthit. So, it is impossible, right?

Knott sighed for nth today. The memory of his batch's graduation 2 years ago hit him again. Shakes his head, he run his fingers on his hair.

"Ai Arthit, please comeback"

He mumbled softly. Tew who stand next to him hear it and give him a light squeezed in their intertwinned hand.

"It is okay, darling. It just so hard without Ai Arthit around"
"And it is already 2 years and we still had no clue about where he is right now"
"To be honest, i secretly hoped that P'Arthit suddenly popped out from somewhere and surprise us"

And no one blamed Aim for thinking like that. Because, the gangs had same hope. At least for today.

"Where is Ai Bright?"

Earth answer Knott's question while waving his phone.

"He will be late. He just inform me"

Kongpop tighten his hug on Toey. He cannot help himself. The memory of his beloved Arthit 2 years ago really hurt him. The last day he can saw Arthit. And the way Arthit fall down the cliff, it is haunted him everyday.

A light tap on his back calm him down. He really didn't realize that his body is trembling. And he really thanks to the man in his arm who keep his sanity in control. Without Toey, maybe he is in the assylum or worst, die.

A hand suddenly and forcefully separate him with Toey. He feel a sting on his left cheek as he fall backward on the ground. He faintly hear Toey shout but he cannot pintpoint Toey's location. His mind went blank, and he can't hear anything anymore as the black panic hit him. He reach out his hand to grab anything. He found nothing, not even Toey. His panic increased.

"P-P'....... P'Arthit.... P'Arthit.... P'Toey w-where... P'... Ai Oon.... Oon....."

Toey widen his eyes when he saw Bright land a punch on Kongpop. He then grab Bright's collar and give him a hard punch on the face.

"What was that for?!?!"

He can't help but scream at Bright's stupidity. He gonna punch Bright again, but his eyes caught Kongpop's condition. The faintly voice and the way Kongpop blindly searching for him, frozen him.


He let go off Bright's collar and went to check up Kongpop. He went to his car and grab his bag. He hug the broken guy tightly.

"Sshhhh..... I'm here"

Toey quickly pull out the syringe and inject it in Kongpop's arm. He caught Kongpop's limp body before it hit the ground. Opened the car's door, he arranged the passenger seat for Kongpop to rest. After make sure that the ex head hazer comfortable, he face Bright again who still unmoving from his place. This time, the gangs also there.

He gritted his teeth in anger. Jabbed Bright's chest with his finger.

"You damn brat. You almost wasted my work for 2 years. You almost killed Kongpop -gasped- Do you know? That panic attack, almost kill him 2 years ago. Not only once, but many times these 2 years. Fuck! Why i even tell you about that?! Kong will surely kill me if he knew"

Sighed in defeat, he turn and walk to his car. Open the door, he face the gangs again.

"I knew that you only want to defend your friend, Arthit. But not in that way. I knew Kongpop and his love life. I learn about him for these 2 years. But Nong, i won't judge like that if i were you. The ceremony will start in one hour, right? We will be there on time. I need to bring Kongpop to the calm place. The dose of the drug will be off in 30 minutes. We will see you all in the hall"

With that, Toey drove off the campus. Leave the gangs speechless and Bright 'tch'ed.

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