Meeting Jacob's friends

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"Jacob, are we almost there? I think I'm going to freeze

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"Jacob, are we almost there? I think I'm going to freeze." I said while shivering

"You're cold?" Jacob laughed

I gave him my stoic face, but he didn't see it because he had already turned around to the road again. I huffed a sigh and buried my face in Jake's jacket. Wait a minute, is Jake sick? He's burning up! Hm..he doesn't seem sick..  I guess I got lost in thought because Jacob scared the living daylights out of me.

"Sis, we're here!" Jake shouted

I jumped and he laughed. I pouted. Jacob pulled his motorcycle in front of the small red house. I almost wanted to break into tears. I remember this house! Just then the door opened and I saw my father wheel out the door in his wheelchair.

"Dad?" I gasped

"(Y/n)!" He laughed and opened his arms wide. I immediately hugged him. It's been so long. I broke the hug and smiled.

"It's so great to see you dad!" I said while smiling

"Come inside, I bet your hungry?" My dad said while wheeling his wheelchair in the house

"Actually, I am" I said sitting down at the table.

Jacob sat down beside me and looked at me sideways. "Can you cook?" He asked

"Heh, yeah. Mom always burnt the food." I laughed

Dad winced when I said mom, but I decided not to question it.

"It's good to have you back, (Y/n)." Jacob and dad said at the same time.

I laughed.

**Soooooo sorry that this chapter was short! Maybe in turn, I'll make chapter two tomorrow!**

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