The meeting

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"Y/n! Stop eating all the brownies!" Jacob shouted at me while my back was facing him.

I turned around with my mouth stuffed with the chocolaty goodness.

"Whath didth you sthay?" I said through a mouthful

Jacob sighed and raked his fingers through his hair.

"You only shifted an hour ago and you're already acting like Paul!" Jacob huffed and crossed his arms

I swallowed the brownies and made a clicking noise with my tongue. "Is he one of the werewolves?"

Jacob nodded and made a face. "Pauls' a bag of anger. You make him mad, he shifts, " Jake shrugged "He can hardly contain himself. "

I tapped my chin. "So, that's another thing? When you're angry, you can shift?" I asked

"Yup, " Jacob replied and snatched the last brownie.

"So..." I say while wiggling my eyebrows "Do you have a girl that you like?"

Jacob took a bite of his brownie and avoided my gaze.

"You do! What's her name?? How long have you known her??" I ask excitedly

Jacob groaned and looked at me irritated. I stare back, waiting for his answers. He sighs.

"Do you remember Bella Swan? The girl who would come over when we were little?"Jacob says

I nod slowly, remembering the fuzzy images of the clumsy girl with the brown hair. "Yeah, I remember. You both liked making mud pies near the beach. The dirt was always muddy since it rained most of the time. "

Jacob smiled slightly, but then it was replaced with a deep frown. "She's hooked up with one of the Cullens'... Edward. "

"oh. "

"About 4 days ago before you came, we saved her from a bloodsucker. Well, she saw us, and figured out we were wolves. To be honest, I wanted her to figure it out. She thought I had joined Sam's 'cult' and talked them off, making Paul tease her. Well, Bella slapped him-"

"God, what an idiot" I interrupted

Jacob gave me a glare before continuing. "-making Paul angry, which made him shift. I fought Paul, and well... Saved Bella. Now... Jacob swallowed harshly. She's out somewhere trying to find that Bloodsucker. "

"Edward? Why? Where'd he go?" I ask, suddenly interested

"who knows, and cares. But he left bella. One of the Cullen's, Alice was her name, has the gift of seeing the future. Apparently, Edward thought Bella died, so he went to kill himself. Now Bella is trying to find him... "
Jacob said with harsh tones.

I blinked with pity. Jake really liked Bella, but she fell in love with a creature that shouldn't be able to reciprocate feelings. A creature with no heart. Just hearing Jacob's story made my heart angry at them. Poor Jacob. Bella wasn't right for him anyways!

I swallowed. "So, where is Bella now?"

"Saving the bloodsucker". Jacob replied, settling down a bit before he got too upset.

Evening came by quick. It was 6:34 (18:34) when I heard a far howl. Apparently it was important because Jake turned off the show I was watching on our crappy TV.

"Aw Jake!" I whined "It was getting good!"

"That howl was Sam's, we need to go. The guy's don't know you shifted but Sam already knows. " Jacob said while turning to the door.

I nodded with nervousness in the pit of my stomach. What if they hate me? As I walked out the door, Jacob was already beginning to turn into his wolf. To be honest, his fur color was awesome! Russet brown... While mine was Black with white paws. I shook my head and tried to shift into my wolf. After all, it was only my second time. Heat traveled up my spine as I let the wolf come out.

Jacob already shifted, and was waiting for me. By the looks of it, he was arguing with someone. I finally shifted.

"Well, if you wouldn't have eaten my chips, you wouldn't have had that problem!" I heard Jacob's voice echo in my head.

Jacob started to run and I quickly ran after him.

"How would I know your chips would lead me to sitting on the toilet all day?!" An unknown voice replied agitated.

I heard a satisfied huff from Jacob. I tried to keep my thoughts to a minimum, so I wouldn't get called out.

We ran for about 2 more minutes before stopping to a walk. Jacob looked at me with a positive expression. We entered a clearing with about 4 wolves. Jacob told me what they look like before we left. The silver one, Paul I think, was talking to Sam, his voice echoing throughout my head. Embry and Jared were talking also, I wasn't really paying attention to them.

"Sam", Jacob said, walking up to the black wolf

Both Sam and Paul acknowledged Jacob. Paul's gaze quickly went to mine and he froze.

"Who the hell is that?!" his voice shouted in my head

Jacob narrowed his eyes and looked at Paul. "We will get to that. "

Embry and Jared heard Paul's outburst and turned to me with a curious, yet cautious gaze. When I met Embry's gaze, I some reason felt a spark of affection for him for a split second, but as fast as it happened, the affection went away completely. That was weird.

"Who is... SHE!?" Jared bursted in his mind

I was getting restless, and a bit weirded out by the Embry thing, so I replied to Jared myself.

"I'm (Y/n), Jacob's sister, now stop asking questions and let Jacob speak" I say with annoyance

My brother looked at me gratefully.

Sam turned to us, getting Paul's, Embry's, and Jared's attention. "You guys might be confused, so I'm here to explain everything. (Y/n) is Jacob's sister, she moved here from (state/country name) to see Billy and Jacob." Sam paused a minute. "Long story short, she changed the day after. Jacob thinks she was destined to shift because of their Alpha genes, their wolf blood is stronger, so the descendants of the alphas are more likely to change." Sam finished while meeting everyone's gaze before resting on mine.

"It is true that she is the first female in our history to shift, but female or not, she's still one of us, and will hunt vampires with us tonight." Jacob piped up helpfully.

Sam nodded, confirming Jacob's thoughts.

"Now, we hunt".

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