Confusion for everyone

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"W-What the hell!?" I exploded with a bare of my teeth. What was happening?? How can I, a human girl, turn into something thats only supposed to be makebeleive? I'm a freaking werewolf!

Jacob was quiet and was only looking at me strangely. I was scared, frightened, confused, and angry and all my brother could do was give me weird looks?!

"Y/n, calm down! You're not helping anything by being angry! Just shut up a minute," Jacob's voice echoed through my head.

I was mad, but Jacob was right. I calmed down and decided to listen to Jacob. Apparently, he knew what to do since he was a wolf himself.

Jacob waited till I was calm and started talking. I was still a bit freaked out that he was talking in my head, but I listened to what he has to say.

"Okay, so you know about the legends of our tribe, correct?" Jacob asked

"You mean the ones about our ancestors?"

"Yes," Jacob nodded his big wolf head. "Well, they're true. We can turn into wolves because we have the wolf genes from our ancestors. Almost every male Quileate can shift if one of their ancestors has the gene..." Jacob stopped a minute and looked at me.

I processed this new info and realised what he said. 'Almost every male Quileate...'

"Wait, you said only males...what about females?"

"Well," Jacob hesitated. "You're actually the first female in our history to shift into a wolf..."


Jacob must have saw my expression because he panicked.

"I mean, you know our great grandfather? He was the cheif, he also had the ability to shift, so we pretty much have the alpha blood in our veins. So, its only normal since we have alpha blood!" Jacob quickly said

I felt a little better. Then I had a thought. Were Jacob and i the only ones to shift here?

"Are we the only wolves to shift?" I asked

"No. You know Sam? He can shift, well, he was actually the first to shift. Then there's Paul, Jared, Embery, then me. Quil will shift soon." Jacob answered thoughtfully

"Oh," I said thinking. "So...its kinda like a pack, right? Are you the Alpha or something? Since you know...we're descendants of the last alpha?" I asked

Jacob shifted his wolf weight on his left side uncomfortably.

"Not exactly. Sam is the Alpha, not me." Jacob answered slowly

I sat down on my haunches, confused. Jacob sighed.

"Sam's great grandfather was our grandfather's second in command, which means if our grandfather died, Sam's would be next in command. When I shifted, Sam told me that I could take the Alpha spot since I was destined to be the alpha", Jacob said with a disgusted look. "I didn't even want to BE a werewolf, let alone lead a pack, so I let Sam keep the place."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

I thought about all this information, so many more questions bubbled to the surface, but before I could say anything, Jacob interrupted my thoughts with his voice.

"Are you wondering why we're created?" Jacob asked looking at me with full seriousness.

All the questions before were pushed to the back of my brain, as I could only think about what Jacob said.

"No...can you tell me?"

"'ve noticed we're bigger than your average wolf...right? Well, that's because we don't do what normal wolves do, cause' there would be no point in shifting," Jacob said looking into my eyes. "To be straight forward...we hunt vampires..." Jacob said slowly

All of the sudden, my mind went back to my dream. Another hunter is born! ...No way...

"VAMPIRES!?" I shouted in my head making Jake wince.

"Yes...we only shift if vampires are in the area, so you must have shifted because the Cullens have moved in not to long ago... Jacob said in a disgusted tone.

"The Cullen's? Are they vampires?"

Jacobs's irritated look made me assume my theory was correct.

"Well, why can't you kill them?"

"That's...because our grandfather made a treaty with them. As long as they don't hunt and step foot in our land, they won't get their heads detached from their necks".

I nodded. "So we're made for protecting humans against vampires then?"

Jacob nodded and sighed. "Pretty fact I think Sam said something about hunting Vampires tomorrow night. Everyone's gonna be hunting...including you I guess."

For some reason I got a feeling Jacob didn't like talking about the Cullen's...but why? I understand he hates vampires, but I think there's more to that.

"Hey Jake, I get the feeling you hate the Cullen's not just because they're vampires, but because of another reason..." I say

Jacob looked highly uncomfortable, so i guessed right.

"Its nothing, don't worry about it." Jacob mumbled a little upset

I got a feeling I shouldn't keep asking.

"You probably don't want to stay in that form you?" Jacob asked, his sour mood vanishing out of thin air.

I looked down at my black paws and nodded.

"Okay Y/n, so you just want to relax and think about your human self".

I relaxed and thought about me shifting back to human me. I could feel my heartbeat slow down, my form getting a bit smaller and shorter...

"Uh-! Y/n! Not her-" Jacob started, but his thoughts left my mind

I was now in human form...but there was a problem.

I wasn't exactly clothed.

I was naked.

I looked up at Jacob to see him turning his wolf head away. I was grateful...but I felt a bit exposed.

" wouldn't have...something with you...would you?" I asked, embarrassed, a blush forming on my cheeks.

Without looking, Jake shook his russet wolf head. I sighed, knowing I was probably gonna have to walk home with out any clothes on. I watched Jacob run away and I huffed.

"Thanks for staying with me." I mutter and run after him to home.

Hey everyone! Whoa, time passes by quick! Sorry I havent like FOREVER but I promise there was a good reason *cough* SCHOOL *cough* but now that its summer, I'll update more often! So watch out for the next chapter! Ciao!

You're the one(Seth Clearwater x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें