Tribe Legends

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I didn't speak for the rest of the night. Nothing much went on in the night except for a couple false alarms. I heard Bella was inside with one of her friends from school. How smart of her when her house is surrounded with wolves protecting her from vampires. Tch.

I didn't mind Bella when I saw her, but once I've seen what she's doing to my brother I hated her guts.

The night passed and we all went home early in the morning.

Right when I got home I went to sleep.


I woke up and yawned. I looked at the time. 10:36

"Shoot!" I shout and I ran out the door

"Christ Y/n!" My dad burst from the living room "What, is there a fire?"

I shook my head. "Why did you let me sleep late?"

My dad shrugged. "You and Jacob got home late last night so I thought you could use the extra hours"

I nod but then look around. "Where is Jacob?"

My dad sighed. "He's spending some time with Bella. Oh, I hope you didn't forget about the "party" tonight"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Party?"

"Yep. About the tribe legends. Its you, Quil's, Seth's, and Leah's first time hearing them." Billy said while looking at me but quickly shifted his gaze to the football game

"Alright" I sigh


I arrived at the campfire. Almost everyone there except Jacob.

"Oh...hi Y/n" Paul said with a mouthful of burgers

"Paul, you better have saved some for me" I say while sitting down next to Seth and Leah


Seth rolled his eyes. "I saved you some"

I gave Seth a thankful look. Seth perked up suddenly.

"Jacob's here!"

Sure enough my brother came into view with someone...

I almost choked. BELLA!?


Seth pounced up and headed to my brother. I got up with him, making sure Bella wouldn't make a move on my boyfriend.

"Jake!" Seth shouted while running over to them

I follow behind him less enthusiastic.

"Hey" Jacob said while patting Seth's shoulder

"Its about time you got here. Paul's been hoovering the grub, but I saved you some burgers" Seth said

"Good looking out, bro" My brother said "Bella this Seth Clearwater, Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack" Jacob introduced

I watched closely as Seth and Bella shook hands. Being my lovable imprint, Seth sensed a small bit of my jealousy and held my hand without looking at me

"Newest, bestest, brightest-" Seth started

"-and slowest" Jacob interrupted

They got into a wrestle but it only lasted for a couple of seconds till a whistle was heard.

"C'mon, your dad is about to start" Seth said and grabbed my hand, leading me to the fire

I glanced back at Jacob who lead Bella to a seat.

"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning, but we've always had magic in our blood" my dad started

I cuddled closer to Seth and he put an arm around me.

"We were great spirit warriors, shapeshifters, that transformed into the powerful wolf"

"This enabled us to scare off our enemies, and protect our tribe"

I felt like I was in a trance, listening to my dad speak.

"One day, our warriors came across a creature, that looked like man, but it was hard as stone and cold as ice"

"Our warriors sharp teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire could completely destroy it" My dad spoke

"They lived in fear the cold man was not alone, and they were right"

I straitened taller, impatiently waiting.

"She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed"

I trembled, not from fear, but excitement to hear the rest.

"Taha Aki's third wife conceived his beliefs. The third wife was no magical being, no special powers but one"

I leaned in closer.


"The third wife sacrifice distracted the cold woman long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe."

I tilt my head curiously.

"Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains...the cold ones"

I saw Bella look down and I almost wanted to smirk.

"Our magic awakens when they're near, and we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming, and we must all be ready" My dad met the gaze of everyone in the circle before stopping at Bella

"All of us"

I looked at Bella, and felt distaste.  I'm risking my ass for her and she is getting ready? For what? To run away? To call for the bloodsucker? Yeah. Ready alright.

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