Letter 2

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Dear Pat,

I know each letter should consist of what happened on that particular day. But you also said that I should write about magic. I don't know what constitutes as magic. I know you will tell me one day. And in hindsight, it will make sense. For now, I will only write about things I find interesting.

This city is oddly fascinating. People are always in a rush to get somewhere. The energy is palpable. It is infused in the air. The urgency, the need to get something done. I haven't felt like that before back home. And I feel both the feelings are good. Home gives me a sense of comfort and a warm hug. This city makes me feel like I can do anything. Do you know what I mean? I'm sure you do. Remind me to bug you to tell me all about your travels again. About your stint in Ladakh and your sojourn in Darjeeling. My memory needs refreshment with all the colours you put in the stories. Long story short, I miss you.

Work is interesting. The funny thing is it's both different and similar at the same time. It is similar in the sense that all workplaces bring about the same sense of newness and a feeling of "Oh God I don't know anyone, will I ever fit in?" I know what you're going to say. "Baby, it's only training." But these are the people that I will be working with regardless of where I get placed. So for the next few years, these guys will be my work family. There, Pat! I have a ready answer to your ready question. It is different in terms of the city and the people. Liberating feeling.

Now the one feeling I thought I would never enjoy too much was hunger. You know me and how crabby I get when I don't get anything to eat on time. The training was supposed to end at eight but it went on till ten! Ugh! So obviously they hadn't prepared for thirty growling tummies. Sigh.

Anyway, I rushed back home. As I turned the key and walked into the house, I realized that the electricity was out. As my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, I stumbled into something and let out a whimper. Hunger really magnifies pain, I realize now. As I felt my way up to the kitchen, I switched on the torch on my phone and realized there was already a candle burning there. I squinted up and saw someone squinting right back at me.

It was cute guy, Pat! He even squints cutely! Gah! Some people really do have all the luck. Of course, anyone reading this letter would probably say that I lucked out having a cute flatmate. You make a wise point, Pat! I know you're saying this in your head so don't deny it. :P

Anyway, more about the cute guy! He was standing at the stove and making something. I asked slowly, "Um did Dada leave any food out?"

He looked apologetically at me and said, "Uh no. Dada had to go out on an emergency errand for the building secretary. He asked if I could manage."

I stepped closer and asked in dismay, "So there's no food at all?"

He paused for a minute and looked at me. He then looked at something on the stove. He then sighed and walked over to me. He held out a plate of Maggi to me and said, "Welcome to Mumbai. I'm Tanmay."

There is so much more I want to tell you, Pat but the candle is burning out and I have an early day tomorrow. I promise I'll fill you in tomorrow. Let's just say Mumbai is growing on me in more ways than one. 😊

All my love,


P.S. Season 1, Episode 1. Fallen in love yet?

P.P.S. I'll call you tomorrow to find out what you thought about it.

Author's Note: I am so sorry for this ridiculous delay. I then got a message on my board and realized how late I have been in updating this story. Work has been quite hectic, I have to be honest. But this story is always in my mind. I hope you guys will bear with me for this one. The next chapter is my new favourite in this story. Just saying! Until then,


Dear PatМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя