Letter 8

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Dear Pat,

Work was uneventful today. I actually got back home earlier than usual. I took a bus instead of the local. It was a double decker and I sat on the first floor! Haha! It was so much fun looking at the city from that height. I had my earphones on and I listened to Lucky Ali songs. It felt so, so good.

I got back home and Dada opened the door for me with his usual big grin.

"Arre madam! Aaiye aaiye. Come! How was your day? I'm making poha. Ekdum hot hot! You'd like some, haan?"

I widened my eyes. A great ride back home and some nice poha? Pat, it sounded like paradise. And then he said something better!


I mean...How could I say no?

So I kept my bag on the table and followed him to the kitchen. Five minutes later, there I was sitting at the dining table with him with hot, hot poha and soul-calming chai. Dada poured it in little glasses. I looked at them and said, "These are cute-looking, Dada."

He smiled and said, "Arre madam, these are cutting glasses. They are very popular in Mumbai. How do you not know them?"

I actually had heard of this term and seen those glasses before. Have you, Pat? Of course, you have! So, well-travelled and knowledgeable you are!

I then asked, "Why are they called cutting, Dada?"

He picked up the glass and set it in front of me to say, "Haan toh basically, in Mumbai, we have half glass chai also. Toh cutting."

In confusion, I asked, "Arre? Why half?"

After taking a bite of his poha, he replied, "There are a lot of reasons. They say people are always in a rush here. Or you can have more cups of chai without actually having the full quantity. But you know what I think?"

I took a sip of my tea and asked in curiosity, "What?"

He replied with a smile, "I think it is because we all come in search of something when we come to Mumbai. Cutting chai is one half. And one day, we will find the other half to share it with. Naya job mein naya colleague, naye city mein naya dost ya naye chapter mein naya koi khaas. Cutting is waiting."

Pat, so much hope. I felt so good hearing that.

We spoke for quite a while. I asked about the places I should visit in Mumbai and he told me about places I had never even heard of. It helps asking a person who's lived here all their lives.

He then said something else that had been playing on my mind for a while.

"Madam, for plays na, you should watch Tanmay baba's plays. Super mast acting he does!"

I smiled and asked, "Haan? You've seen his plays, dada?"

He set his glass down and replied enthusiastically, "Arre haan madam! Baba actually came to this city for his plays. He's starred in 3 already in the last year. Aur itne pyaar se, he calls me for all of them. Ye last wala na? Kya naam tha? Haan...Agyakari. He wrote it also. Bola mereko. Dada, I wrote it. Aana hai zaroor. Front row mein seat dilaunga. You'll come na?"

He smiled so proudly at the last bit, my heart actually melted a little. It was such a sweet gesture, Pat. And Dada was so immensely proud of Tanmay's work. It shined through his words.

I asked casually, "So what did he do before this? Where is he from?"

Dada said, "He was in IT, I think. Bada IT company mein he used to work in Bangalore. Engineer tha. Now he is kalakaar. A1 wala."

I then asked, "He's going to star in another play na soon?"

Dada nodded vigorously and said, "Arre haan! Abhi very soon. He has given me ticket for that also. Bola it is getting booked fast toh pehle only, he gave. Will you also be going, madam? Ticket le liya na?"

I wish I knew, Pat.


Until I figure out,

Much love,


P.S. So Gilmore Girls! Apparently people fight over Team Jess or Team Dean. I mean...Team Lorelai, am I right?

Author's Note: I know it's been a while since the last letter. I keep thinking about this story all the time though. It's been a long time coming and it's a story that must be completed before I begin newer projects. Truth be told, I work on a lot of projects out of sheer restlessness. Last year, my friend and I started a page on Instagram called deepthinkingmode. It's a page where she draws and I write. It honestly has given me so much joy. <3 If it ever gives you joy, do let me know, will ya? :)

Anyhoo, back to this story. What are your thoughts so far? It's actually exciting for me. I love exploring these new characters and their stories. I hope you are too. Let me know. :)

Until then,

Much love,

S. :D

P.S. Yes, I'm a Gilmore Girls fan too! 

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