Letter 16 Continues...

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Dear Pat,

The day continued...So the letter must continue as well.

When I said, "Hey back." He laughed and said, "Ready?"

I nodded and asked, "So where are we headed?"

His eyes twinkled and said, "Somewhere nice I'm hoping."

I shook my head, a smile appearing on my face as I said softly, "Any place with you would be nice."

He couldn't catch it so he asked, "What?"

I shook my head and said, "Nothing. How are we going?"

He raised a finger and said, "Ah yes. This is a cab ride I want you to take."

With that, he slipped his hand into mine and pulled me towards a taxi. He asked, "Bhaiyya Colaba chaloge?"

The driver who was reading a newspaper nodded and gestured for us to sit. Tanmay then said, "Bhaiyya sealink se lena."

The driver gave a half-smile at that. Tanmay asked me, "Have you driven through the sealink before?"

I shook my head. Pat, I thought I knew all of his smiles. But no. The one he gave now was of pure glee. I think I can make a scrap book with all his smiles and what they could possibly mean.

And when we neared the sealink, I could see why. I have seen it from afar and it really is beautiful to look at. A real marvel. But when you go on it is when you feel all the feelings.

I don't know if I can do justice to what I felt, Pat. I looked at the large bridge from the front as the bars sped past us on either sides. The windows were rolled down as the cool sea air rushed in to add to the experience. I don't think I could capture the video on camera because I was too busy feeling. It gave me the feeling of hope, of possibilities that this city offered to so many every day. As we got off the bridge, I looked at Tanmay with a huge grin on my face. He looked back with a smile and asked, "I see you enjoyed that?"

I laughed and said, "That was so good! Thank you!"

He shrugged and said, "I think everyone loves this experience. And I was hoping you hadn't seen it yet so I could be the one to show it to you."

I asked softly, "Why?"

He paused. It was as though he didn't know the answer up until then. He then half smiled as he said, "I don't know...I think it makes me feel like I'm part of your Mumbai story."

I looked away, smiled and shook my head. Oh Pat. If only he knew how big a part he was in my Mumbai story! He wasn't merely a part anymore. He was etched.

He nudged his elbow against mine and asked, "So tell me about your home."

The minute anyone mentions home, I think of you, Pat. So I told him all about you. You, me and ma and our life together in Chennai. You and your travels. You and your rich life experiences. You and your yearning for me to have my own rich life experiences. This documentation of magic.

He stopped me to say, "Wait, wait. You write letters to your grandmother about this stay?"

I nodded and smiled.

He had a look of...surprise on his face. He then sat up straight and turned around to face me, setting his arm on the backrest and looked at me more closely. He said, "That is so cool! I don't know anyone in this day and age who writes letters anymore. And regularly? That's even more interesting. This whole capturing of experiences, especially new ones, is so significant. These memories right now are like we're watching them on Netflix. But there will come a time when the same memories will be made of old film. These letters will dust off that layer."

I shifted and sat to face him as he spoke. I don't know where he came up with all of this. I don't know how his mind works. But I loved the way it did. I nodded and said, "My grandmother would probably like you."

He kept a hand on his chest and said, "Aw man. She sounds so cool. I'd be lucky if she did."

When we reached, we got out of the car and started to walk. The night still felt young. Full of possibilities just like that ride on the sealink.

I asked, "So where are we going?"

He rolled his eyes and said, "Now if I told you that, the surprise would be ruined. You have to go with the flow."

I nodded along and we continued to walk. We reached a tiny café and he stopped. I peered at the décor and smiled. We walked in and I kept on looking. It had wooden flooring and blue walls. There were white umbrellas painted on them and colourful paintings hung all over.

I asked, "Do you come here often?"

He smiled and nodded. "It's my favourite. It's the only place I can drink tea, coffee or have delicious chaat." He said.

I perked up at that. Oh my God. Oh my God. I looked at him as he gestured for me join him at the table. I grabbed his arm and asked, "Wait, how do you know I like chaat?"

He had an impish grin as he shrugged and said, "I asked Dada what you'd enjoy the most. Come now. This is my spot."

It was fabulous chaat! I can't believe I had been here for a while and not had my favourite food. I was so engrossed in this city that my favourite food that it had to offer in so much splendour, I had forgotten to try. Pat, I miss your chaat now. Ugh. <3

When we walked out of the place, I had felt like the day couldn't get any better. He then stopped short in front of me. He asked, "Have you ever skipped on the road?"

I quirked up an eyebrow and said, "Not since I was a kid."

He rolled his eyes. He simply said, "Too long then." He then came over to my side and looked at me to ask, "Ready?"

I giggled and slipped my hand through his to say, "Ready."

You asked for magic in these letters, Pat. Well, skipping in the streetlights on the roads of Colaba hand in hand with this goofball all the while laughing was spellbinding.

All my love,


P.S. The ride back also involved the sealink and the feelings remained. the same. <3

Author's Note: So, I've been meaning to write a date chapter for a while. I hope it came out well. I don't think I've written one in any Wattpad story before, have I? I hope you enjoyed it regardless. :)
Until the next chapter,


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