Letter 17

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Dear Pat,

I know these letters were meant to talk about magical things. But today, I need to let it out. And I know that you will be able to tell me what I can do.

I came back from work today. It was quite the usual day up until then. But I had to let myself in. I called out for Tanmay and didn't get a response. I then called out for Dada and he seemed to be missing too. I dropped my bag in my room and walked out into the living room. I picked up the keys and left the house, closing the door behind me. I hopped on the stairs and took two at a time. Tanmay liked chilling on the terrace upstairs. Maybe he was there.

When I reached the terrace, I saw that the door was open. I could hear muffled voices as well. I walked in and spotted the two of them. Dada was just lowering himself to sit opposite Tanmay. Tanmay looked...a little morose.

I backed up and leaned against a wall. From here, I could hear them.

Dada said, "What are you doing here baba?"

Tanmay didn't reply immediately. He took a pause and replied, "Kuch nahi Dada. Nothing. Just fresh air."

Dada let out a dry chuckle and said, "Chal be. You think I don't know you? You look sad-sad. Kya hua?"

I lowered myself and sat down, crossing my legs. I then turned around and caught a peek of them.

Tanmay let out a smile and said, "Kya Dada, you also!" He then took a deep breath and said, "Okay... Namrata yaad hai? She sent me an email today."

Dada asked shrewdly, "Abhi, after all this time?"

Tanmay laughed humourlessly and said, "Yes! That's exactly what I thought. Ugh." With that, he pinched the bridge of his nose. I turned around and leaned my head on the wall. My stomach felt like I had just tripped. I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop on a private conversation, Pat. You wouldn't be happy with this. But I was suddenly feeling a little winded and I needed to know the whole story.

Dada asked, "What did she say?"

After a long pause, Tanmay said, "That she wants another chance..." He sighed and said, "Dada...I don't know what to say. Ek time pe, she was the love of my life. It was...I didn't even know when it happened but before I knew it, I was in love with her. She was intelligent, driven, loved to read and was a closet musician. We would spend hours talking to each other. Sometimes about nothing...sometimes about everything. I fell hard, Dada. And when I came to know she loved me too, I couldn't believe it. I wasn't lucky in love before. It was only with her that I realized that I hadn't known the feeling before her."

Dada patiently heard him out. He then asked quietly, "Break up kyu hua phir?"

Tanmay took a deep breath and said, "Mumbai aana tha Dada. I wanted to fulfil my dream here. I knew idhar I would be able to spread my wings fully and write the stuff I wanted to. And she wanted to remain there. She was doing really well. I couldn't ask her to move. It would have been wrong of me. She had told me pehle se...no long distance...her heart had been broken once that way...So she said that I would have to choose. It was the hardest decision I had to make. She then stopped talking to me. She said it was too hard. I stopped talking as well..."

Dada said, "We hide a lot of stories apne andar na?"

Tanmay laughed and said, "Kya Dada...What am I saying, what are you saying?"

Dada chuckled and said, "Lakshmi?"

Tanmay balked and asked, "How did you know Dada?"

Dada replied, a smile in his voice, "Arre...I am not ullu. I know. First se, I know. That you two like each other. Actual mein na, when I saw her and you for the first time only, I knew."

Tanmay laughed. For the first time, he sounded like his old self again. He then said, "Dada...Lakshmi...I don't know how to say it... I feel more myself around her. I love being with her. She is...She is the best thing to happen to me in Mumbai."

I felt a tear drop from my eyes. I was smiling as I heard this last bit, Pat. My heart was racing but on hearing this, it felt light again. It was how I felt about him too. If only he knew.

Dada smiled and asked, "Tough hai re. You can only choose who you want to walk this road with. Lekin ek advice de sakta hoon."

Tanmay says with haste, "Tell!"

"Tereko already pata hai. You already know who you want to be with. The confusion is just in your head. Tera heart knows already. Sacchi."

I looked around and caught a glimpse of Tanmay's face. He had his head tilted to one side, digesting Dada's words. He then nodded and smiled.

I have more to say, Pat. But today this is all my heart can manage. I will write to you tomorrow.

All my love,


Author's Note: Well, well, well. Now we know, don't we? I am curious to know what you all thought of this chapter. It's been brewing in my head since Namrata wrote her letter.

In other news, I've had a supremely hectic 2 weeks where I got to travel new places thanks to work. It was a very enriching experience, I must say.

I managed to finish two books thanks to the travel time. Animal Farm and a romance novel. Animal Farm was highly enlightening. The romance novel was so-so. I also bought the new Sophie Kinsella. I love her books so much and I can't wait to dig into this one. What is everyone else reading?

Until the next chapter,


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